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benchmarking parallel_for



I am considering writing a benchmark/unit test for parallel_for that would help in determining whether the parallelized loop outperforms the raw loop. Specifically I was imagining parameterizing: loop size, time/body execution, grain_size and wrapping both the parallel_for and the raw loop in high precision timers (e.g. QuereyPerformanceCounter API on windows) - Has anyone already done this as would be willing to share the code ?


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3 Replies

I'm working on a micro-benchmark, and am including parallel_for as part of it. Following Gustafsons approach, it measures how much work can be done in a fixed amount of time. E.g., for how large a value of N can the machine run parallel_for(blocked_range(0,N,1),b,simple_partitioner()) ?

I'm using 1 msec as my fixed amount of time, which seems the right order of magnitude for desktop parallelism (e.g. think video frames).

parallel_for(blocked_range(0,N,1),b,simple_partitioner()) is a good thing to time because it tells you the overhead of a loop slice.

Replacing simple_partitioner() with auto_partitioner results in a test that is difficult to interpret, because the auto_partitioner games the test. It does tell you how efficient auto_partitioner is at eliminating unnecessary subdivision, so maybe that is the point.

I've appended the current draft of the test after my signature. [Weird feature of blogging software: cutting-and-pasting from Visual Studio results in loss of leading whitespace. But cutting-and-pasting from Visual Studio into Outlook message, and then cutting-and-pasting from there to here retains the correct whitespace.]

I've only run it on 64-bit Linux so far. There's may be Linuxisms that have to be corrected.

- Arch Robison (Intel TBB Developer)

#include "tbb/parallel_for.h"

#include "tbb/parallel_reduce.h"

#include "tbb/blocked_range.h"

#include "tbb/task_scheduler_init.h"

#include "tbb/tick_count.h"






// This file is a microbenchmark for TBB.& nbsp;


// Command line:

// test_unit.exe

filter1 filter2 ...

// where

// p is of the form m or m:n, which indicates the number of threads to use. m:n indicates a closed range

// filtern is a string indicating which tests to select. If the filter is xyz, only tests with xyz in their name will be run.


// Results are printed in tab-separate form suitable for importing into a spreadsheet.

// Each line has the form

// name P N rate0...rate4

// where

// name describes the test

// P is the number of threads

// N is the value of N used. It is set so that the test runs in 1 millisecond.

// rate0...rate4 are the rates that were measured. Rates are in printed in per-millisecond.

int filterc;

//! Pointer into argv where filter arguments begin.

char** filterv;

//! Miniumum number of threads.

int min_thread=1;

//! Maximum number of thread

int max_thread=1;

//! Type of a count.

typedef size_t count_type;

typedef void (*benchmark_type)(count_type);

//! Desired time in which each test must run.

/** It is a millisecond, because TBB targets desktop parallelism, and

interactive programs have to do calculations in fractions of a video frame. */

const double DESIRED_TEST_TIME = 0.001;

//! Number of times to repeat a test.

const int REPETITIONS = 10;

//! Each run must not vary more than a relative tolerand of (+/-)TOLERANCE

const double TOLERANCE = 0.1;

//! Number of times to run each test.

const int N_TRIAL = 5;

//! Measure time it takes to run test with n iterations.

double time_one( benchmark_type test, count_type n ) {

tbb::tick_count t0 = tbb::tick_count::now();

for( int i=0; i


tbb::tick_count t1 = tbb::tick_count::now();

return (t1-t0).seconds()/REPETITIONS;


//! Print a rate.

/** This routine prints a typical rate in only 7 characters, instead of the 9

that would be print if a %g format were used. The savings are because

print_one_rate prints the exponent without a "+", and without a "0"

if the exponent is a single digit. */

void print_one_rate( double rate ) {

int exponent = floor(log10(rate));

printf("%.3fe%d", rate/pow(10.0,exponent), exponent );


//! Time a benchmark

/** Fills in elements of rate[] with per-second rates.

Returns nominal number of times the benchmark was run in DESIRED_TIME */

count_type run_one( const char* name, benchmark_type benchmark, double rate[N_TRIAL] ) {

// Estimate appropriate value for n

double time;

count_type n;

for(n=1;;n*=2) {

time = time_one(benchmark,n);

// Quit early if overflow might happen

if( time>=DESIRED_TEST_TIME ) break;

if( n*2

printf("error: overflow for %s ",name);




n = (n*DESIRED_TEST_TIME/time+0.5);

int n_retry = 0;


time = time_one(benchmark,n);

n = (n*DESIRED_TEST_TIME/time+0.5);

double expected_rate = n/time;

for( int i=0; i

// Test is run n+wobble times, to reveal any sensitivity to small variations in n.

int wobble = (i-N_TRIAL)/2;

time = time_one(benchmark,n+wobble);

rate = n/time;

if( rate>expected_rate*(1+TOLERANCE) ) {

if( ++n_retry==3 ) {

printf("error: cannot get repeatable time for %s, n=%ld ",name,long(n));

&nb sp; exit(1);


goto retry;



return n;


void run( const char* name, benchmark_type benchmark ) {

for( int k=0; k

if( std::strstr( name, filterv )==NULL )


double rate[N_TRIAL];

for( int nthread=min_thread; nthread<=max_thread; ++nthread ) {

tbb::task_scheduler_init init(nthread);

count_type n = run_one( name, benchmark, rate );

printf("%-64s %4u %10lu",name,nthread,(unsigned long)n);

for( count_type i=0; i

printf(" ");

// Rates in rate[] are per-second. We print them in per-milliscond form



printf(" ");



//! Print table header

void print_header() {

p rintf("%-64s %4s %10s","TEST","P","N");

for( int i=0; i

printf(" rate%d",i);

printf(" ");


void time_tick_count( count_type n ) {

for( count_type i=0; i

volatile tbb::tick_count t = tbb::tick_count::now();



struct trivial_body {

void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range& r ) const {

volatile long x;

int end = r.end();

for( int i=r.begin(); i

x = 0;



template<typename Partitioner>

void time_empty_parallel_for( count_type n ) {

Partitioner partitioner;

volatile count_type zero = 0;

for( count_type i=0; i

tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range( 0, zero, 1 ), trivial_body(), partitioner );



template<typename Partitioner, const size_t chunk_size>

void time_n_parallel_for( count_type n ) {

Par titioner partitioner;

tbb::parallel_for( tbb::blocked_range( 0, n, chunk_size ), trivial_body(), partitioner );


struct trivial_reduction_body {

int sum;

trivial_reduction_body() {sum=0;}

trivial_reduction_body( trivial_reduction_body& other, tbb::split ) {sum=0;}

void join( trivial_reduction_body& other ) {sum+=other.sum;}

void operator()( const tbb::blocked_range& r ) {

volatile long x;

int end = r.end();

for( int i=r.begin(); i

x = 0;

sum = 0;



template<typename Partitioner>

void time_empty_parallel_reduce( count_type n ) {

Partitioner partitioner;

trivial_reduction_body body;

volatile count_type zero = 0;

for( count_type i=0; i

tbb::parallel_reduce( tbb::blocked_range( 0, zero, 1 ), body, partitioner );



template<typename Partitioner, const size_t chunk_size>

void time_n_parallel_reduce( count_type n ) {

Partitioner partitioner;

trivial_reduction_body bod y;

tbb::parallel_reduce( tbb::blocked_range( 0, n, chunk_size ), body, partitioner );


//! Parse the command line

void parse_command_line( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

int i = 1;

if( i[0])) {

char* endptr;

min_thread = strtol( argv, &endptr, 0 );

if( *endptr==':' )

max_thread = strtol( endptr+1, &endptr, 0 );

else if( *endptr=='�' )

max_thread = min_thread;

if( *endptr!='�' ) {

fprintf(stderr,"garbled nthread range ");



if( min_thread<0 ) {

fprintf(stderr,"nthread must be nonnegative ");



if( max_thread

fprintf(stderr,"nthread range is backwards ");





filterv = argv+i;

filterc = argc-i;


int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

parse_command_line( argc, argv );


run( "tick_count::now()", time_tick_count );

// parallel_for

run( "parallel_for(blocked_range(0,zero,1),b,simple_partitioner())", time_empty_parallel_for<:SIMPLE_PARTITIONER> );

run( "parallel_for(blocked_range(0,N,1),b,simple_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_for<:SIMPLE_PARTITIONER> );

run( "parallel_for(blocked_range(0,N,1),b,auto_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_for<:AUTO_PARTITIONER> );


run( "parallel_for(blocked_range(0,N,1),b,affinity_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_for<:AFFINITY_PARTITIONER> );

#endif /* TBB_TASK_AFFINITY */

run( "parallel_for(blocked_range(0,N,10000),b,simple_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_for<:SIMPLE_PARTITIONER> );

run( "parallel_for(blocked_range(0,N,10000),b,auto_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_for<:AUTO_PARTITIONER> );


run( "parallel_for(blocked_range(0,N,10000),b,affinity_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_for<:AFFINITY_PARTITIONER> );

#endif /* TBB_TASK_AFFINITY */

// parallel_reduce

run( "parallel_reduce(blocked_range(0,zero,1),b,simple_partitioner())", time_empty_parallel_reduce<:SIMPLE_PARTITIONER> );

run( "parallel_reduce(blocked_range(0,N,1),b,simple_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_reduce<:SIMPLE_PARTITIONER>

run( "parallel_reduce(blocked_range(0,N,1),b,auto_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_reduce<:AUTO_PARTITIONER> );


run( "parallel_reduce(blocked_range(0,N,1),b,affinity_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_reduce<:AFFINITY_PARTITIONER> );

#endif /* TBB_TASK_AFFINITY */

run( "parallel_reduce(blocked_range(0,N,10000),b,simple_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_reduce<:SIMPLE_PARTITIONER> );

run( "parallel_reduce(blocked_range(0,N,10000),b,auto_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_reduce<:AUTO_PARTITIONER> );


run( "parallel_reduce(blocked_range(0,N,10000),b,affinity_partitioner())", time_n_parallel_reduce<:AFFINITY_PARTITIONER> );

#endif /* TBB_TASK_AFFINITY */

return 0;


0 Kudos
By the way, the TBB_TASK_AFFINITY support is not in the current TBB, so just leave the macro undefined. See where TBB is going for affinity support.
0 Kudos
Fantastic - thanks alot.

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