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Intel SCS not provisiong/configuring Vpro Clients using Profiles


hello all,

I have got the system successfully provisioned through USB and its auto connected to Intel SCS, please see the screen shots. However, when i provision a system for a specific profile using Intel SCS, it gives below errors, screenshots attached. Can you please get the details for these errors:



Also, there is no DNS issues, all domains are resolved, there are no ping issues, also the CLIENT IS CONTINUOUSLY THROWING MESSAGES TO INTEL SCS SERVER (confirmed using wireshark), please see screenshots, there is only one thing..... if i search for these errors, they appear in links with TLS implementation, but we are not using any TLS any where..... there is no SSL implemented, just i provisioned using USB with PSK does it make TLS implementation????





INTEL SCS Server errors


  1. Error Configuring Intel AMT device: Failed to connect to un-configured Intel AMT device at IP AMT Connection Error: SOAP Error [25]: "getFullCoreVersion: SOAP Unknown error".



  1. The SOAP connection with connection parameter set # 15 failed: AMT Connection Error: SOAP Error [25]: "getFullCoreVersion: SOAP Unknown error".



  1. The SOAP connection with connection parameter set # 14 failed: AMT Connection Error: SOAP Error [24]: "getFullCoreVersion: Fault: 'Timeout' : Details: 'connect failed in tcp_connect()'".




IIS server issue



by default the IIS uses NETWORK SERVICE for AMT applications/sites however, if we test the path using NETWORK SERVICE, it cant find it, please see screenshots

If i give domain admin which is\administrator and test connection the path is authenticated and authorized as well

need to confirm , if its ok if the network service is not able to find the path as its default settings..????

your help in this regard would be much appreciated.


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9 Replies

I would recommend trying the latest 8.0 version of the Intel SCS -

There are many different options for configuration, inclufing using the SCS GUI, a wizard, or directly on the command line using the ACUConfig.exe

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thanks cdpiper for your response, the reason am sticking to version 5.4.0 of intel scs is that, it is bundled with HPCA, i am trying to actually deploy HP Client Automation and that has capability to integrate with Intel SCS. So for that reason, i have to stick to this version.

my main concern was since i was getting this error over and over again, so is it due to the fact that i am using Standard version and not enterprise version?



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It looks like your client is not being provisioned with the SCS, then, when the SCS goes to communicate with the client, the credentials are invalid. Is the client unprovisioned before you start provisioning it with the SCS?

Please see /docs/DOC-1370 for more information.

This link has guides to provisioning and has a guide for HP software.


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thanks for the reply.....

what i have done is that i created two profiles, one with TLS and one without TLS.

I have observed that the clients get provisioned in both the cases but there are SOAP errors of different nature as mentioned previously in the Intel SCS logs, however using the non-TLS profile, things work smooth, so for now i am sticking to non-tls provisioning.

I have attached screenshots of what i have achieved, i am trying to use HPCA OOBM agent, in that agent we need to put AMT parameters as well which i have done but i am constantly getting error messages, SOAP ERROR 21 & SOAP ERROR 22 etc .... and i am unable to get information on these errors, even i have tried to install OOBM agent on Intel HPCA system so that the agent doesnt need to connect to the server over the network but even then am getting this error....

please advice where i might be wrong?? Please see screenshots as well.....



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i have moved further and installed HP OOBM client even on the server where HPCA itself is installed, please see the screenshots,


the SOAP Error 22 means that No user with this profile name can be found.

ERROR # 2 

HPCA-OOBM error: 0


Error calling method: RegisterWatchdog, Error code: 22

please see the screenshots, i have listed my users and profiles i am unable to understand why this SOAP Error is coming.

kindly help am drained out why its not connecting



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Hi Fahad,

I have a question

What is it that you are trying to do when you get the soap error 22?


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ok guys i have got it all working....... i was actually trying to intall HPCA OOBM agent on the client computer to connect to the HPCA server the reason why this error was coming was due to the fact that i was not associating the watch dog policy with the Vpro Client.

What i did is:

Simply install the HPCA OOBM agent on the client computer, it started giving the errors mentioned earlier in the event logs.

Next i went to the HPCA server and in the Operations Tab , Device Management, I selected the Vpro Client and deployed watch dog policy on the system

The HPCA OOBM agent then got connected with the watchdog and things started working.

Thanks all for your help. Please see the screenshots, so it might help someone.

Another Issue

Also the only error i see now is that i have a Vpro Client that is not part of domain and thus not showing in the Active Directory OU.

I installed the HPCA OOBM agent on it and applied the same Watch Dog policy but it showed in HPCA that the agent has expired

On other forums i have read that i need to adjust starttime and heartbeat interval, which i think is not required since these parameters are adjusted in the watch dog policy or directly in the file but since the same policy is working fine for the other system so this is not the issue

What i have observed is that in the HPCA OOBM agent install directory there is Activator.exe and that requires the paramters OU as well

Since my system is not in the OU so it might be the reason why the agent is set to be expired.

Will put my system in domain and move it in the OU to test if this is the issue...... any ideas in this regard are most welcome



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The original issue is helpful to our testing on vPro @ HPCA OOBM. Are you using TLS or non-TLS profile in SCS when provisioning clients? If you uses TLS, have you performed the steps mentioned in HPCA manual to secure communication between SCS server and the OOBM service? For example, importing the trusted root certificate into the Java key store; running 3 tomcat.exe commands to update the service keystore?

It seems that we did incorrectly when performing the commands to secure communication between SCS server and the OOBM service. Now we got an error message: "Could not access SCS. SCS URL is not correct or SCS is not running." when connecting HPCA to SCS server with SSL. See attachment.

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