Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

Check if file can be decoded by Intel QuickSync

New Contributor I

How can I be certain if the file I am trying to open can be decoded using the hardware decoder?

Currently I am using FFMPEG to demux the file and pass the video packets for decoding to the h/w decoder.

Thank you.

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3 Replies

Hi Ankush,

If you are using Media SDK decoder then you can check what are the supported codec and the different properties of a video in the code itself or the manual which comes with the media SDK. To know properties of your video you can use mediainfo tool, which is available online. 
Let me know if I have got your question right and have answered it properly.

Thank you for your Question

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New Contributor I

Thank you for replying SURBHI M.

And no i want to check dynamically weather the file i am opening can be decoded using QuickSync. Like can the file be decoded or not and if yes then which codec does it use.

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Hi Ankush,

Currently we have don't have a way to choose the codec to decode the bitstream on the fly, but you can change the way the input parameters are parsed and include functionality of checking the bitstream and deciding which codec to use to decode. In the current Intel Media SDK we have to manually input the codec to decode the bitstream. 
The application should call MFXVideoDECODE_Query function to check if decoding of the stream is supported. Also, MFXVideoDECODE_Init does extensive validation to determine whether the configuration is supported as specified in the input parameters.

Hope this helps!



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