Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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For more information, see the VPL website.
3078 Discussions

Question about release note: H.264 encoder known to be slower on x64 than win32


In the release notes for the Intel Media SDK for Clients, it states:  "H.264 encoder (Intel Media SDK software library) is known to be slower on x64 platform than on win32 platform."  I'd like to understand precisely what this means.  Is this just referring to using the software H.264 encoding capabilities of the library (i.e. a software session, or MFX_IMPL_SOFTWARE)?  Does it mean that either the hardware or software H.264 encoder is slower when a 64-bit Windows OS is used as opposed to a 32-bit Windows OS?  Or, does it mean that the hardware or software H.264 encoder is slower for a 64-bit binary as opposed to a 32-bit binary?  That is, on a 64-bit OS, for faster H.264 encoding, does it make sense to have a 32-bit binary as opposed to a 64-bit binary?


Aaron Levinson

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1 Reply

Hi Aaron,

Thank you for question. From the release notes "H.264 encoder (Intel Media SDK software library) is known to be slower on 
x64 platform than on win32 platform." All it means is that encoding speed of H.264 SW version is better with win32 platform as compared to x64. It would be best to use HW on x64 platform to get better encoding speed. H264 encoder(HW Implementation) on x64 platform can encode several hundred of frames per second especially at lower resolution. I hope this answer your question. Please let us know if you have any more question regarding Media SDK.


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