Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

Unable to load Screen Capture plugin


I'm trying to test the screen capture plugin, which is installed on my system at <media_sdk>/bin/win32/22d62c07e672408fbb4cc20ed7a053e4.  However, after initializing MFX to the latest supported hardware implementation (1.20 on this machine), a call to MFXVideoUSER_Load results in MFX_ERR_NOT_FOUND.  See the code excerpt below:

version.Major = 1;
version.Minor = 20;

res = MFXInit(MFX_IMPL_HARDWARE, &version, &session);

// Check for error...

res = MFXVideoUSER_Load(session, &MFX_PLUGINID_CAPTURE_HW, 1);

// res == -9 is true

Here is the result of running the system analysis tool:

Intel(R) Media Server Studio 2016 R2 - System Analyzer (32-bit)

The following versions of Media SDK API are supported by platform/driver
[opportunistic detection of MSDK API > 1.19]:

        Version Target  Supported       Dec     Enc
        1.0     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.0     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.1     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.1     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.2     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.2     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.3     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.3     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.4     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.4     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.5     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.5     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.6     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.6     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.7     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.7     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.8     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.8     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.9     HW      Yes             X       X
        1.9     SW      Yes             X       X
        1.10    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.10    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.11    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.11    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.12    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.12    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.13    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.13    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.14    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.14    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.15    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.15    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.16    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.16    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.17    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.17    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.18    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.18    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.19    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.19    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.20    HW      Yes             X       X
        1.20    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.21    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.22    SW      Yes             X       X
        1.23    SW      Yes             X       X

Graphics Devices:
        Name                                         Version             State
        Intel(R) Iris(TM) Pro Graphics P6300       Active
        VMware SVGA 3D                                Active

System info:
        CPU:    Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1285L v4 @ 3.40GHz
        OS:     Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
        Arch:   64-bit

Installed Media SDK packages (be patient...processing takes some time):
        Intel(R) Media SDK 2017 R1
        Samples for Intel(R) Media SDK 2017 for Windows*

Installed Media SDK DirectShow filters:

Installed Intel Media Foundation Transforms:
        Intel(R) Quick Sync Video H.264 Encoder MFT : {4BE8D3C0-0515-4A37-AD55-E4BAE19AF471}

Analysis complete... [press ENTER]

And here are the contents of the plugin's config file:

PluginVersion = 1
APIVersion    = 279 //0x0117
FileName32    = "mfxplugin32_screen_capture.dll" 
FileName64    = "mfxplugin64_screen_capture.dll" 
Type          = 01 //decode
CodecID       = "CAPT"
Default       = 0

Running the screen_decode.exe sample yields a similar result.

What could be causing the API not to find the plugin?

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2 Replies

I've updated to the latest driver and that didn't fix the problem.  Also as a sanity check, I've printed out the plugin UID, which matches the folder name.  I have one other plugin installed, MFX_PLUGINID_CAMERA_HW.  If I ask to load that plugin, the MFXVideoUSER_Load function returns successfully.

The problem also persists in a 64-bit build.

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Did you find a way to fix it? I have a similar problem.

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