Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
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VPPquery returns -16


Hi Shravanthi:

   I'm running the tutorial  sample    "simple_encode_d3d_preproc"  and comparing that with your "Framework for developing applications using Media SDK" commentary.  I added  an    sts = mfxVPP.Query(&VPPParams,&VPPParams_test);  to see if the parameters are correct as you suggest.  However, there is a different response depending on whether I do this before or after the mfxExtVPPDoNotUse is set.  If done before the mfxExtVPPDoNotUse is set then the return sts is no error; but if done after it returns -16.  Your "Framework for developing applications using Media SDK"  implies that doing it after the  mfxExtVPPDoNotUse should work as well as doing it before   (in fact it implies that one should do it after).

  The program runs correctly, implying that the  "mfxExtVPPDoNotUse" is OK.  Getting the return value of -16 of course  implies that something is wrong.   Am I correct or is there something I'm missing?



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3 Replies

Hello Steven

Thanks for the question. The query function should be called after all parameter initializations are complete, and the query checks the VPP Params. The error you are getting is MFX_ERR_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR, while the application works as expected?

Can you kindly send your code for us to reproduce? Without looking at the parameters being set, cannot get more insights. It could be that our API return status was not updated with some of the newer features.

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   Thanks for the reply.  In the original post I stated the Intel Tutorial Sample I used.  To create the error all you have to do is do an sts = mfxVPP.Query(&VPPParams,&VPPParams_test);  (where you declare VPPParams_test where the VPP return the parameters)  before and after the mfxExtVPPDoNotUse is set.   I suspect that (as you say) your API return status was not updated with some of the newer features.  However this would lead to a lot of confusion, since one would take the error return -16 to imply there is something wrong with the parameters, when in fact it may be a bug caused by depending where one checks the mfxVPP.Query.




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Thank you Steven. I will take a look at it and get back. I see this is not blocking your development activity. That's good.

(Apologies for the delayed response).

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