Media (Intel® Video Processing Library, Intel Media SDK)
Access community support with transcoding, decoding, and encoding in applications using media tools like Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Intel® Media SDK
The Intel Media SDK project is no longer active. For continued support and access to new features, Intel Media SDK users are encouraged to read the transition guide on upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® Video Processing Library (VPL), and to move to VPL as soon as possible.
For more information, see the VPL website.

on-fly change


1.Does Intel MSDK decoder support MJPEG format.

2.Does Intel MSDK encoder support on-fly change bitrate.

3.Does Intel MSDK encoder support on-fly change resolution.

4.Does Intel MSDK encoder support on-fly request I-frame.


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2 Replies

1.Does Intel MSDK decoder support MJPEG format.

- No, MJPEG is not supported at this time.

2.Does Intel MSDK encoder support on-fly change bitrate

- .Yes, The MSDK has a Reset() function that allows an application to feed in a new video parameter structure. On Sandy Bridge, this may or may not work depending on if a reallocation of memory is needed. In that case, a Close->Init() would be needed. Reset only reuses memory that was allocated previously. Its best to call Reset() check the output, if it fails call Close()->then ReInit. Not really on the fly I know.

3.Does Intel MSDK encoder support on-fly change resolution.

- Same answer as bitrate. The application must additionally take care of frame surface reallocation if the resolution becomes bigger.

4.Does Intel MSDK encoder support on-fly request I-frame.

Yes Please refer to the mfxEncodeCtrl structure in the MSDK manual. Look at the FrameType Field.

These questions make me believe that you are interested in using the MSDK for some kind of video conferencing based application? I can offer that internally we are evaluating the SDK features to address the particular needs of this usage model.


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Hi Eric,

Sorry for late reply. It'sreally exciting to hear the information you mention!
Just as you have said,we are now evaluating the perfomance about MSDK video conferencing onHuron River.
Pleaseproviding me related information(if you can offer code will be best), thank you!

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