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I can debug, but not run

Honored Contributor II

This is a slightly modified "hello world" and I can "debug" it, but I'm not able to "run" it. 



Here is my log: 



DEBUG starting: 

Executing: ' --device=1 --instance=0 --sidp=0x11070 --id=0xbaddf00d --timestamp=1440506318 --reset-target /cygdrive/d/altera_projects/niostest/software/niostest/niostest.elf] Executing: ' --device=1 --instance=0 --tcpport=auto --sidp=0x11070 --id=0xbaddf00d --timestamp=1440506318]  

attempting a RUN 

Executing: ' --device=1 --instance=0 --stop --sidp=0x11070 --id=0xbaddf00d --timestamp=1440506318] Executing: ' --device=1 --instance=0 --go --sidp=0x11070 --id=0xbaddf00d --timestamp=1440506318 --reset-target /cygdrive/d/altera_projects/niostest/software/niostest/niostest.elf] Failed Executing: ', --device=1, --instance=0, --go, --sidp=0x11070, --id=0xbaddf00d, --timestamp=1440506318, --reset-target, /cygdrive/d/altera_projects/niostest/software/niostest/niostest.elf] return code: 4, 'other error'  



(why isnt this failing command run from bash.exe?) 



For the error, here are the details: 



Exception Stack Trace: 

An exception stack trace is not available. 



Session data: 



java.vendor=Oracle Corporation 

BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86_64, WS=win32, NL=en_US 

Framework arguments: -product org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product -pluginCustomization D:/altera/15.0/nios2eds/bin/eclipse_nios2/plugin_customization.ini 

Command-line arguments: -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86_64 -product org.eclipse.epp.package.cpp.product -pluginCustomization D:/altera/15.0/nios2eds/bin/eclipse_nios2/plugin_customization.ini 




Any ideas? 

Running Quartus 15.0.2. Build 153 07/15/2015 SJ Full Version
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Does your design have a JTAG uart? If so, remove it and replace with a real UART module. Don't forget to add the external signals and specify the I/O pins/voltage standards. Connect a USB cable, or USB to serial cable depending on what your board has. Make sure your PC has the USB serial drivers loaded and a terminal program like PuTTY etc running. Set the RS232 settings on the terminal program to match what your UART module is using.

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Honored Contributor II


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Does your design have a JTAG uart? 

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Yes it does. 


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If so, remove it and replace with a real UART module. Don't forget to add the external signals and specify the I/O pins/voltage standards. Connect a USB cable, or USB to serial cable depending on what your board has. Make sure your PC has the USB serial drivers loaded and a terminal program like PuTTY etc running. Set the RS232 settings on the terminal program to match what your UART module is using. 

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Unfortunately my board does not have a legacy UART port, so JTAG UART is my only option. 

I did assume this JTAG UART could free run without any JTAG connected. Am I wrong?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You still need to remove the JTAG uart and re-build your BSP without debug enabled. If you don't, your code will freeze as soon as the NIOS library tries to initialize the JTAG uart. I'm not familiar with the command line tools, but that might be what's causing the error message you see.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Thanks, but this sounds all wrong behaviour. Surely it should behave like a normal UART. Can you document what you claim?

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I think I found the solution for this here 



--- Quote Start ---  

2. The user is using the default device driver, for the JTAG UART, but has no "system timer" defined (In the SOPC Builder system/In the System Library properties page). The default device driver does support "device/jtag_uart timeouts", but requires a "system timer" to implement this.  

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Edit:Hmm no.. I have other issues too..
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