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Nios on Altera DSP S80 board

Honored Contributor II

I have been trying with some very limited success, to implement Nios II processors on Altera's DSP S80 development kit (NOT their embedded systems Nios dev kit). The problem I encounter is using the synchronous SRAM on that board. Has anyone done this already? Is there an Avalon module available that I can include with my SOPC design for that board? 


It would also be very helpful to find pre-defined pin assignments for the Stratix device on that board. 


Many thanks for any help that might be out there ! 


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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II



I face the same problem with u, cause i have not get a nios II dev. kit,too. (I have EP1S25 DSP dev. kit) 


1. Nios II can be implemented in DSP dev. kit definitely 


2. but we have to spend more time to implement than ones have nios II dev. kit. 


3. I used "my support" in Altera asking for documents about this topics,but they repled that Altera has not have such doc. yet. 


4. so many guys here use nios in nios dev. kit. a fewer of them ship it to their own applications, but for some bussiness reasons , we can't get useful information about how they did it . 




also, I am a newbie, I will go with you, do you? 



I did a lab exercise about DSP builder . The exercise used Nios to demo Custom Instructions. Fianlly the system run in the DSP dev. board. After that , I impliment a Little Nios ( 1 nios core, 1 uart, hello world.c builded in on_chip_ram) in DSP dev. board, with pc to get " hello world" by uart. 


next step I should find documents about how to make custom SOPC Block ,such as the SRAMs in DSP board? 

the questions in my brain are likes those: 

why nios dev board needs SRAMs 

how they links 

how to access SRAMs by Nios 

how many SRAMs should be used 


the same puzzles about Flash and other modules which nios use. 


I think when we find the answer to those questions, I can DIY....haha.. no matter what kinds of develop kits.
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Honored Contributor II

AN 322: Porting the Nios GERMS Monitor to Work with Different Flash Memories (


The documents tells us how to make a "Interface to user Logic ",such as different type of flash!
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