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SDRAM signals managing

Honored Contributor II


I'm using qsys to implement a system on Quartus II. 

I use a DE0-NANO board and I want to access the SDRAM. I want to access it from a Nios II (and also from the hardware design but it's another problem) so I've instantiated a SDRAM controller in qsys, it's configured like this: 32-bit wide, 1 chip select, 2 banks, 14 rows, 8 columns. I don't understand it precisely. It tells it's 32 MBytes-wide. There's a s1 port that I connect to the cpu and a "wire" port. I don't understand what it is. I exported it as I'd like to connect it to the sram pins but it tells I have a 14-bit address port, a cas, a ras and a ba so it seems to me I can only write 2^17 bytes and not 32M. Please tell me how it works.
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13 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Please take a look at the DE0-nano SDRAM example in this thread: 


That will give you a working design, including SDRAM timing constraints (see the .SDC file), which for some reason the IP does not include. 



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Honored Contributor II

OK, I'm reading the other post carefully, it's exactly what I need so I'll use it (it works well for my board) and I'll tell you when I've got questions. 


For now I'm wondering about the addressing: you configured a 32MB memory but the address is 13-bit wide with a bank selection of 2 bits. So we've got 2^15=32768 locations for 2B words. So, for me, it should be only 65536 bytes. Tell me what is my error. 32M is 2^9*65536 so I think it's about the number of columns but I don't understand what the row/column numbers are. Tell me.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

You are missing the main point: SDRAM is not accessed through the raw logical address like a common SRAM.  

Browse the web or read any sdram datasheet to understand how sdram signals (row/col/ras/cas ...) work.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

OK, I simply read and and it's clear. 

Now I have to understand the Avalon-MM. I read...
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I have three new questions: 

1-How to make the SDRAM available both for the software part (a Nios II cpu in a Qsys system) and the hardware part (a Quartus II design)? 

2-How to tell Qsys that the program of the cpu should be stored in the internal FPGA memory and the data should be stored in the SDRAM? 

3-I've downloaded this file: 

and a first problem is the address bus width. In the file it's 12-bit but in the first qsys system it was 13-bit. 

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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I have three new questions: 

1-How to make the SDRAM available both for the software part (a Nios II cpu in a Qsys system) and the hardware part (a Quartus II design)? 


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The hardware that needs to access the SDRAM needs to be written as an Avalon-MM master, so that it can initiate SDRAM reads or writes. 


Alternatively, your hardware can be an Avalon-MM slave or Avalon-ST sink/source, and you can use a DMA controller to move data from your component to/from SDRAM. 



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2-How to tell Qsys that the program of the cpu should be stored in the internal FPGA memory and the data should be stored in the SDRAM? 


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That is not a Qsys task. That is the job of the linker script. 



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3-I've downloaded this file: 

and a first problem is the address bus width. In the file it's 12-bit but in the first qsys system it was 13-bit. 


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You already have a working SDRAM controller (using the standard Altera Avalon-MM SDRAM controller), why are you trying to use this design? 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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The hardware that needs to access the SDRAM needs to be written as an Avalon-MM master, so that it can initiate SDRAM reads or writes. 


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How do I write it like that? 



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Alternatively, your hardware can be an Avalon-MM slave or Avalon-ST sink/source, and you can use a DMA controller to move data from your component to/from SDRAM. 

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I don't need a DMA. 



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That is not a Qsys task. That is the job of the linker script. 


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How do I configure the linker? 



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You already have a working SDRAM controller (using the standard Altera Avalon-MM SDRAM controller), why are you trying to use this design? 


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That was only for test. Forget it.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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That was only for test. Forget it.  


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Huh? Why would you forget it. As a design engineer your task should be to "design" the stuff that is unique to your project, and not re-invent the wheel when a perfectly good wheel exists. 


So, if your project needs to use an SDRAM controller, and you need to write some custom logic to access the SDRAM in parallel with other "standard" components like a NIOS II processor, then your custom logic needs to "play nicely" with the rest of the system. 


Basically this means that your custom hardware has to fit within the Avalon-MM architecture used by the other components in your system. 


What does your custom logic have to do? Lets figure out whether you need to create an Avalon-MM master, or an Avalon-MM slave that interfaces to a DMA controller. 



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Honored Contributor II

OK, what I have to do is to look at 4 signals (connected as the board GPIOs), store them somewhere then analyse it to tell what happens. 

What I wanted to do is to store it in the internal FPGA RAM (it's easy) but lately it appeared the memory was to small and I decided to use the board SDRAM instead. But the mechanism of the SDRAM is too complicated for me so maybe I'll use a serial connection trough the USB to store it on the PC and analyse it with a simple software instead of an embedded one. 

I'm listening for your advices in the matter...
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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OK, what I have to do is to look at 4 signals (connected as the board GPIOs), store them somewhere then analyse it to tell what happens. 

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What I wanted to do is to store it in the internal FPGA RAM (it's easy) but lately it appeared the memory was to small and I decided to use the board SDRAM instead. But the mechanism of the SDRAM is too complicated for me so maybe I'll use a serial connection trough the USB to store it on the PC and analyse it with a simple software instead of an embedded one. 

I'm listening for your advices in the matter... 

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So, this is where "thinking" in terms of SDRAM has misled you. If instead you were thinking of Avalon-MM masters and slaves, then you need "something to read the GPIO" and "something to save the value read". There's numerous ways to do this, let me suggest a couple of options ... 


1. Custom Avalon-MM master. 


If the rate at which the GPIO pins are written is critical, eg., the rate has to be exactly 100Hz. Then you can create an Avalon-MM master that includes a 100Hz timer. When the timer expires, a control state machine can read the GPIOs, and then issue a write to an Avalon-MM master interface. You Qsys system can then connect that master to either internal SRAM or external SDRAM. 


2. Standard Avalon-MM components. 


A PIO input component can be used to provide read access to inputs. A DMA controller can be used to read the PIO and write to somewhere else, eg., SRAM or SDRAM. I haven't used the Altera DMA controller, but if it has a timer facility, then you might be able to setup a scheduled DMA transfer. Alternatively, you can use a NIOS II processor to perform the read of the PIO and write to SRAM/SDRAM. 


3. Minimum effort. 


Create a Qsys system with a GPIO port and a JTAG-to-Avalon-MM bridge and read the GPIO from your PC. The SDRAM example I provided you already has the JTAG interface, so all you need to do is add a PIO component and connect it to your GPIO pins. 


If the rate at which the GPIO is read is not critical, then (2) or (3) would be a good place for you to start. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Frequency doesn't seem to be critical: signals change at a rate of ~1MHz and I just need to be sure to capture every modification. So (3) seems to interest me most (surely because I'm lazy!). 

Only I still don't understand what an Avalon-MM is. Is this only an interface (to what?) or a complete component ?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Frequency doesn't seem to be critical: signals change at a rate of ~1MHz and I just need to be sure to capture every modification. 


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Um, 1MHz is 1 million changes per second, so you are not going to read that via JTAG and get every transition! At 1MHz you will need a synchronous clock to capture the data changes, or you will need a faster clock, eg., 10MHz, and create a state machine that "looks" for changes in your 4-bit signal. 



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So (3) seems to interest me most (surely because I'm lazy!). 


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I don't think it will work for 1MHz signal changes. 



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Only I still don't understand what an Avalon-MM is. Is this only an interface (to what?) or a complete component ? 

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Avalon is just Altera's name for a bus interface protocol. There is a memory mapped definition (Avalon-MM) and a streaming definition (Avalon-ST). You need to read the Altera Qsys documentation, the Altera Avalon Specification, and look at some tutorials.  


Why don't you start by using SignalTap II with a 10MHz clock and capture a 1000 clock periods of data. That should correspond to 100 changes in your GPIO. Post a zoomed section so that we can see the logic changes, and then we can suggest interface options. 



0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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Um, 1MHz is 1 million changes per second, so you are not going to read that via JTAG and get every transition! At 1MHz you will need a synchronous clock to capture the data changes, or you will need a faster clock, eg., 10MHz, and create a state machine that "looks" for changes in your 4-bit signal. 

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I thought of using the 50MHz clock from DE0-nano board for all the design. Don't you think it's enough? 

I DO look at the changes and record it when required. 



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I don't think it will work for 1MHz signal changes. 


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So, what would you suggest? 



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Why don't you start by using SignalTap II with a 10MHz clock and capture a 1000 clock periods of data. That should correspond to 100 changes in your GPIO. Post a zoomed section so that we can see the logic changes, and then we can suggest interface options. 

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I don't know SignalTap II but I'll learn to use it. Do you know a starting tutorial I could use?
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