Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Unstable NIOS II IDE

Honored Contributor II

Hi there, 


i'm totally new to the FPGA scene and i'm currently working on an Terassic Altera DE2-70 board.  


I work in an Windows 7 enviroment and i had succefully tested a few demo programms with the Quartus II IDE. Now i'm working with the Media Computer example from the University program. On top of this vhdl example i'm developing my own C++ programs based on the examples. 

I didn't encounter any problems on the technical bit and my software is working fine. 


unfortunately my experience with the NIOS II IDE i'm using is not that great. It seems very unstable on my windows 7 64 BIT pc. This morning i had around 30 crashes in about 3 hours. Sometimes when programming the softcore, while typing code or just when its minimized on my taskbar it suddenly crashes. I don't get any crash reports or what soever. 


I'm using the latest Quartus and NIOS package from the altera site (version 11.1). I did encouter the same problems using version 9.1. I also tried installing a virtual machine running windows xp, but it had the same problems. 


Do any of you recognise these problems or are you using other tools for developing software for the NIOS softcore? 


Thanks for your reply! 


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