Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
Support for Embedded Development Tools, Processors (SoCs and Nios® V/II processor), Embedded Development Suites (EDSs), Boot and Configuration, Operating Systems, C and C++

building project problem

Honored Contributor II


I followed the steps of the document "ecos of niosII" from step 6.1 to 6.3 ,and they are right. when I went to step 7: using IDE , I did according the document and set the "make INSTALL_DIR=/cygdrive/f/etest/test_install" ( f/etest/test_install is the directoy of the ecos project), when I choose the command "build project", the process is stopped because of the belown errors: 


make INSTALL_DIR=/cygdrive/f/etest/test_install all  

make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop.  




the tools of me are: 

QII5.0, nios5.0 b73c, ecos5nios5  

os:xp sp2 



who can help me? 

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II

It looks like you haven't created the project in the correct directory. The project directory should contain a makefile (like the one provided in the examples directory).

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Hi monkey: 

I tried it again according to you but the result is same and failure, there was my steps: 

1)nios2configtool --ptf=/.././../std_1c20.ptf --cpu=cpu and start the config diag. 

2)choose the template "altera niosII board" and set "startup"=>"ROMRAM" ,SAVE the pjoject:" test" in the directory "h:/etest"  



the building finished and no erro. 


4)I copy all the files in the directory " /../../ecos_current/examples " to the " h:/etest" 

5)change to the directory :cd h:/etest 

6)in the directory , make INSTALL_DIR=/cygdrive/h/etest/test_install ,and the procedure is successful and a serials of *.o files were created. 


7) "start=>program=>altera=>niosII IDE" 


9) append "altera niosII " and choose "Advanced c/c++ Project" ,then click next 

10)filled the niosII project 's name is: hello_ecos ,and unselect "use the default location" ,settintg it to "h:/etest" , which is the directory of the "ecos build project" 

11)click next ,choose "maker builder" ,in the build command set "make INSTALL_DIR=/cygdrive/h/etest/test_install" and others did not change. 

12)click "finish" 

13)right click the niosii project "hello_ecos" and choose "build project" ,then the result is appear 


make INSTALL_DIR=/cygdrive/h/etest/test_install all  

make: *** No rule to make target `all'. Stop. 


why wrong is it ?  

I am crazy and the deadline is going. Can you or others help me?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I can't see what the problem is here, unless you've accidentally deleted the "all" target from your makefile. 


If you have a tight deadline, then you are probably best sticking with the command line build - since that seems to be working for you.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


the following is all context of my make file: 


# Mostly written by Jonathan Larmour, Red Hat, Inc.# Reference to ecos.mak added by John Dallaway, eCosCentric Limited, 2003-01-20# This file is in the public domain and may be used for any purpose 

# Usage: make INSTALL_DIR=/path/to/ecos/install 


INSTALL_DIR=$$(INSTALL_DIR)# override on make command line 


include $(INSTALL_DIR)/include/pkgconf/ecos.mak 



XCXX = $(XCC) 

XLD = $(XCC) 


CFLAGS = -I$(INSTALL_DIR)/include 


LDFLAGS = -nostartfiles -L$(INSTALL_DIR)/lib -Ttarget.ld 



.PHONY: all clean 


all: hello twothreads simple-alarm serial 



-rm -f hello hello.o twothreads twothreads.o 

-rm -f simple-alarm simple-alarm.o serial serial.o 

-rm -f instrument-test instrument-test.o 


%.o: %.c 

$(XCC) -c -o $*.o $(CFLAGS) $(ECOS_GLOBAL_CFLAGS) $< 


%.o: %.cxx 

$(XCXX) -c -o $*.o $(CXXFLAGS) $(ECOS_GLOBAL_CFLAGS) $< 


%.o: %.C 

$(XCXX) -c -o $*.o $(CXXFLAGS) $(ECOS_GLOBAL_CFLAGS) $< 



$(XCXX) -c -o $*.o $(CXXFLAGS) $(ECOS_GLOBAL_CFLAGS) $< 


hello: hello.o 



twothreads: twothreads.o 



simple-alarm: simple-alarm.o 



serial: serial.o 



instrument-test: instrument-test.o 





meanwhile ,which is copy from the directory /../ecos_current /examples/ ,I think it is not wrong. are you think so? 


another question:what is the different workbetween the " program_flash" ultity and "using IDE DEbug" , and if I success to program the flash by using "program_flash" ,I needn&#39;t use "using IDE DEBUG" the ecos design?
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