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clock consultation

Honored Contributor II


hi guys  

am having an assignment which it basically a car park machine  

it has 4 inputs  

which is fifty , twenty, ten, ticket  

and i need to detect the input and deduct it from an amount of 1.50  

so basically i made the design for the stages  

and the decoder to view it in four 7-seg bcd 

which starts with  

insert ticket  

then remove ticket  

then the 1.50 to check the input of the user  

and heres my problem comes 

when i apply the code in de1 altera board  

the 7-seg doesn't show the first two stages it goes straight away to the 1.50 stage , that happens due to the clock is so fast  

even the inputs, lets say i pressed the input 50 the whole process can be done with single press 

and am using 50MHZ clock  

so i tried to use a clock divider code to reduce it to 1HZ  

but it seems that the problem is still there  

so is there any way that i can slow the clock so the first two stages can be shown to the user  


library IEEE; 




entity clk200 is 

Port ( 

clk_in : in STD_LOGIC; 

rst1 : in STD_LOGIC; 

clk_out: out STD_LOGIC 


end clk200; 



architecture Behavioral of clk200 is 

signal temporal: STD_LOGIC; 

signal counter : integer range 0 to 49999999 := 0; 


frequency_divider: process (rst1, clk_in) begin 

if (rst1 = '1') then 

temporal <= '0'; 

counter <= 0; 

elsif rising_edge(clk_in) then 

if (counter = 49999999) then 

temporal <= NOT(temporal); 

counter <= 0; 


counter <= counter + 1; 

end if; 

end if; 

end process; 


clk_out <= temporal; 

end Behavioral; 



what i need is method that slow down the clock to the lowest  

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Usually I would use a PLL to generate the clock that I want.

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Honored Contributor II

Using a clock divider is the right way to do this. A PLL won't allow you to generate a slow enough clock. So, you'll still need a clock divider. There's nothing wrong with the code you've posted. So, the problem must be in another part of your design. 


Are you using the 'clk_out' signal to clock other logic or as a signal that's part of a synchronous design? 



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