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Attempted to kill init!

Honored Contributor II



I'm having some trouble with the init script after the kernel start using microtronix default uclinux. 

Whenever I specify an initfile to the kernel command string like init=/etc/init2.rc  

the "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!" appears after it has run the script. 


If I remove the kernel command string and run the script manually at the prompt,  

everything works OK. 


The script : 


# attach the interfaces /bin/ifattach eth0 /bin/dhcpcd -NRY exit 0 


Any ideas?
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

Hi MadMartigan, 


> I specify an initfile to the kernel command string like init=/etc/init2.rc 


This tells the kernel that the init process is the script /etc/init2.rc. When the script exits, 

or completes its execution, the init process goes away. 


The init parameter is used to specify the application that is used as the initial process when you want 

something other than /sbin/init to be used as the initial process. Or in the case of the Nios-II 

uClinux kernel, something other than one of the following: 







The kernel will attempt to run the above in the order listed. If you want the init process to run 

a script at startup, add /etc/rc to your filesystem. 



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