Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Fix System ID Properties in Nios II

Honored Contributor II

When I go under Run configuration for my Nios system, It can not locate any of the system ID Properties. Does anyone know a way to fix this? 

I have inspected all of my Platform Designer/Qsys and my main Quartus Project. All of them successfully build, generate, and compile with no errors. I am assuming this is some kind of memory mapping issue, but the addresses in system.h seem correct. (java.lang.Exception) is the error that it displays when I try to run my system on the board (Max10). I did push the .sof file onto the chip ahead of time.
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I figured this out. It has to do with the Programer in Quartus' Auto detect keeps changing what my Max10 board is for some reason. The solution was to reprogram it and then go to run configurations in Nios. Delete the current Nios II launch configuration and just create a new one. I think many other people had this problem I am using the evaluation kit, but I did not see the solution posted on the forum anywhere. I wanted to share for those who come across it to save them the headache.

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