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GPIO device is not exist! SPI 32 clock cycle?

Honored Contributor II

Hello Guys 


I have DE1 Terasic board and I need to lower the Chip Select of SPI for 32 clock cycle. I found an idea for sending 32 bit by making the tx/rx buffer array uint32_t instead uint8_t and it works fine on RaspberryPi 2 not on DE1. I jumpped to use the GPIO instead of CS but I am not able to find the GPIO in /sys/class.  

By the way I could run the LED example that uses GPIO that comes with DE1 Terasic DVD. It runs the LED then it enables using User Button Switch. I tried to utilize the same code to use other GPIO pins but with no response. 


If any one could help with enabling GPIO or ideas of controlling transfer clock period to lower CS for 32 clock cycle I'll be gratefully thankful.
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