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Modelsim_Altera error (Memory Allocation Failure)

Honored Contributor II

My design successfully compiled on Quartus II v.11.0 sp1, and i try to simulate it using Modelsim-Altera web free edition 10.0 C. I open a new project (.mpf)on modelsim_ Altera V. 10.C and add the (.vho) files from simulation directory of the design ( I use this method along the different stages of the project and I succeeded to simulate every module of the project separately- all of them are VHDL no mixed design languages- , the problem appears at the last stage when i combined all the modules together). in modelsim_Altera (.vho) files compilation succeeded but when simulating the following message appears: 


** Fatal: (vsim-4) ****** Memory allocation failure. ***** 

* Attempting to allocate 29707280 bytes 

* Please check your system for available memory and swap space. 

* Time: 0 ps Iteration : 0 Root : / File : NOFILE 

* Fatal error while loading design 

* Error loading design 


My response was reviewing the swap space i increase it many times till the extreme (300 giga bytes) but the same response. i tried with different versions of Modelsim_Altera (V. 6.0, 10.0 C, 10.0 D). I also try to compile the project using different chip rather than stratixIII, I used Arria II, but the same response when simulation. 

? are am I go in the right or wrong way? is the design large to be simulated using web free edition? please give me response about that, and how i can overcome this problem. thanks in advance.
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7 Replies
Honored Contributor II

have you tried a different version of modelsim?

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Honored Contributor II

Thank you Tricky for fast response, Yes sir i tried a different version of modelsim but all are web editions :(Modelsim_Altera V. 6.0, 10.0 C, 10.0 D), unfortunately I haven’t a licensed version.

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Honored Contributor II

I forgot to tell you that all of them give me the same response but one of them - the older V. 6.0 - add another error message that the design exceed the limit of simulation capability of this version, but this is not occurred in the newest versions just memory allocation failure message.

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Honored Contributor II

Then that means there is something in the code not working properly. You will have to try and isolate the offending code.

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Honored Contributor II

When you use Altera Starter edition, and trying to compile libraries, very common to get warring like this : Warning: Design size of 0 instances exceeds ModelSim ALTERA recommended capacity. In your case, try to increase the iteration limit (Simulate-Runtime Options) and check it. I had a similar problem with Modelsim 10.c, but you may try also with 6.6d. 


If above option is also not working. As tricky said, there might be problem in the design.
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Honored Contributor II

My project consists of many files some of them VHDL code and the others in (.bdf) format and i used many mega function components. thanks Mr. kkr for help, I tried your advice and got the following error message that attached

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Honored Contributor II


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My project consists of many files some of them VHDL code and the others in (.bdf) format and i used many mega function components. thanks Mr. kkr for help, I tried your advice and got the following error message that attached 

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I am unable to see your attached file. However, You close your Modelsim, open again, and run.
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