Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Problem: NIOS II application fails to run, but runs in DEBUG mode

Honored Contributor II



The problem is fully expressed in the title. 

Any ideas ? 


Thanks in advance.
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Strange phenomena I discovered with this issue. 

While "DEBUG" works with 8K of the on-chip memory, the normal "RUN" works with 32K of the on-chip memory. 

Probably with sizes more than 32K it will also work (I didn't try it yet), but with 16K "RUN" still doesn't work. 

Mystery ...
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Honored Contributor II

My previous remark turned out false. 

After numerous attempts I've discovered another strange phenomena and this time I checked it multiple times. 

When I run application "normally" (i.e. using "Run as" --> "Nios II Hardware"), actually it doesn't run (or stops immediately ... I don't know what exactly happens). 

In this simplest application fired LED goes from left to right and vice-versa. 


But when I click on "Run as" --> "Run Configuration ...", application runs immediately ... without having to click on "Run" ... i.e. the only fact that "Run Configuration ..." window opens launches application. 

Has someone met similar problems?
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Honored Contributor II

Hi, have you solved this issue?? 


I've encountered the same issue here. I'm booting the Nios2/e from EPCQ. After power-cycling and then pressing reset the Nios2/e wont start. However if I do "Run as" --> "Run Configuration ..." as you described the processor launches without having clicked "Run". 

After having done this once I can freely close the 'Run Configuration' window. Press 'reset' and the processor will properly start. This works until I power-cycle the board. 


I also experimented with connecting to the processor without downloading any code. When I press the 'reset' button I see in the output that the processor properly jumps to the reset vector address, executes some instructions and after a while jumps to the address on internal ram (as it is supposed to do).
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Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  

Hi, have you solved this issue?? 


I've encountered the same issue here. I'm booting the Nios2/e from EPCQ. After power-cycling and then pressing reset the Nios2/e wont start. However if I do "Run as" --> "Run Configuration ..." as you described the processor launches without having clicked "Run". 

After having done this once I can freely close the 'Run Configuration' window. Press 'reset' and the processor will properly start. This works until I power-cycle the board. 


I also experimented with connecting to the processor without downloading any code. When I press the 'reset' button I see in the output that the processor properly jumps to the reset vector address, executes some instructions and after a while jumps to the address on internal ram (as it is supposed to do). 

--- Quote End ---  





I couldn't advanced further with this issue. The workaround I've found at that moment was sufficient for me. 

But unfortunately none from Altera "guru" interested with this issue. 

It will be nice if you'll find some more smart solution. 

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Same issue when using Quartus Prime Pro 21.2.

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