Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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Simualting NIOS II and modifying boot sequence

Honored Contributor II

In some parts of my project I need to simulate NIOS II with Modelsim. I follow the documets from ALtera and I am able to run simulation. THE version of Quqrtus is 13.1 SP1 and I am using NIOS II SBT GUI for compiling C codes on NIOS and run Modlesim from the GUI.  

My reset vector and exception vector of CPU are pointing to on chip ram. I can see objdump and hex files are generated and hex file is addressed properly in the RTL. 

in the begining i see cpu is trying to access on chip ram, until it reaches to a function called alt_load and under this function there is alt_load_section subroutine that is used for copying the content of flash to on chip ram! cpu stucks here forever! I don't want this and I don't need any other boot loader.  

Can you please advise me how to get rid of this function?
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

This is the OpenCL forum. I think you have posted this in the wrong place.

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Honored Contributor II

Are you sure you haven't enabled the EPCS boot code ?

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Honored Contributor II

I did not enable the simualtion mode of NIOS IDE after doing that I can see activities on the bus!

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