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User space application access to Hardware. HPS FPGA bridge

Honored Contributor II

Dear all 


I am a newbie on Altera SoC architecture, so I am trying to run a simple C Userspace application on an Arria 10 SoC (attached file 

The application tries to access a gpio controller (offset adress 0x0000_1000) controller via the hps_i_bridge_lw using a mmap function. 

When running using sudo, i got the following error message : 


root@linaro-nano:~/sandbox# sudo ./FPGAHPS  

[ 1749.499651] Unhandled fault: external abort on non-linefetch (0x818) at 0x760 

[ 1749.507198] pgd = ecccc000  

[ 1749.509891] [76c30000] *pgd=6df89831, *pte=ff201743, *ppte=ff201c33  


The h2f_lw_axi_master seems to be present in the kernel and uboot devicetree. 

Also i tried to access the address 0xFF200000 (h2f_lw_axi_master) in the U-boot environment using md/mw commands and it makes U-boot to restart.  


I must have done something wrong, any ideas ? 

Thanks in advance 


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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

did you release the bridge from reset, after programming the image to the FPGA?

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Honored Contributor II



On our board, the FPGA is loaded at startup from a flash memory using Active Serial. The resets signal from fpga to hps are hps_f2h_cold_reset_req_reset_n, hps_f2h_warm_reset_req_reset_n, they start at 0 and go high after few clock cycle. 

However I haven't seen any signals named lwhps2fpga_bridge_rst_n, which I think is responsible of the lw bridge reset. 


I found some hint there : 


I have modified the command for enabling specifically the lw_hps-2-fpga bridge but i got the following errors, i think the address is still protected 

In: serial 

Out: serial 

Err: serial 

Model: SOCFPGA Arria10 Dev Kit 

Net: dwmac.ff802000 

Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0  

SOCFPGA_ARRIA10# mw.l 0xffd13500 0x1 

SOCFPGA_ARRIA10# mw.l 0xffd13504 0x1 

SOCFPGA_ARRIA10# mw.l 0xffd11004 0xffffffff 

SOCFPGA_ARRIA10# md.l 0xffd0502c 1 

ffd0502c: 0000003f ?... 

SOCFPGA_ARRIA10# mw.l 0xffd0502c 0x3d 

SOCFPGA_ARRIA10# md.l 0xffd0502c 1 

ffd0502c: 0000003d =... 

SOCFPGA_ARRIA10# md.l 0xff200000 1 

ff200000:data abort 

pc : [<ffe0ecae>] lr : [<ffe0ec8f>] 

sp : ffe3be28 ip : ff200000 fp : 00000000 

r10: ff200000 r9 : ffe2e310 r8 : ff200000 

r7 : 00000001 r6 : 00000004 r5 : 00000004 r4 : 00000001 

r3 : ffe0d255 r2 : 00000001 r1 : ffe3be3c r0 : 00000009 

Flags: nZCv IRQs on FIQs off Mode SVC_32 

Resetting CPU ... 


resetting ... 



Any hint ? 

Thanks for your help 


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Honored Contributor II

Dear all 


I think I have found a begging of a workaround. 

If you encounter a similar problem like me, here is the process : 

- first of all enable also the standard HPS-2-FPGA bridge in your Qsys system 

- follow the same instruction here 


then it is possible to access the FPGA bridge from U-boot 

I am able to run a bare metal application and access the registers. 

But still not able to do a mmap in Linux userspace (of course with the administrator's rights) 



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