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alt_irq_register can't work

Honored Contributor II

I have added a component CAN controller into SOPC builder, and it work well. I can send and receive data correctly. But i can't register the interrupt(IRQ) send out from the controller. I checked anything i know.... 


Here is my code, it can be compiled and no errors, but just die in the alt_irq_register function. Anybody have experience to use CAN controller in  

SOPC builder can tell me where is the problem?  




static void handle_CAN2_interrupts(void* context, alt_u32 id) 

int q; 

q =IORD(CAN2_BASE, 0x4);  

printf(" interupt = %d \n",q);  



int main() 

printf("Hello from Nios II!\n"); 



alt_irq_register(CAN2_IRQ,NULL, handle_CAN2_interrupts ); 





i use quartus 8.0 and NIOS ii 7.2 to do this
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor II

also i test to use the timer interrupt, and it worked fine. i can't figure why me controller can't even register irq...

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

I don't know your CAN controller, but I guess you probably need to clear the irq inside the handler function, otherwise the irq would continuously retrigger just after you have serviced it.

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Honored Contributor II


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I don't know your CAN controller, but I guess you probably need to clear the irq inside the handler function, otherwise the irq would continuously retrigger just after you have serviced it. 

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Thanks for your advise, i find my controller send a unexpected interrupt after reset, and it cause the retrigger problem you said.
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