Nios® V/II Embedded Design Suite (EDS)
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nios2-elf-g++ Error

Honored Contributor II

I see an intermittent problem when i try my C codes for NIOS2 in linux using Altera GCC scripts. I use create-this-app and create-this-bsp for compiling and linking c files. sometimes I see this error 


nios2-elf-g++: error: obj/default/timer.o: No such file or directory 

nios2-elf-g++: error: obj/default/main.o: No such file or directory 

nios2-elf-g++: error: obj/default/led.o: No such file or directory 



It looks like the linker fails. IF I remove this folder and make everything from scratch, then compilation works fine. Have you seen this error before?
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