OpenCL* for CPU
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pipeCNN gives error.

New Contributor I

Hi ,

    I am trying to run resnet 50 on FPGA using Intel opencl sdk 19.2.

Git hub :

I am getting following errors:

vinay@ign:~/Documents/opencl_fpga/PipeCNN/project$ make

aoc -v -report -march=emulator -legacy-emulator -I device/RTL -L device/RTL -l rtl_lib.aoclib  -g device/ -o conv.aocx

Resolving library filenames to full paths

lib_path = device/RTL

lib_file = rtl_lib.aoclib

Resolved rtl_lib.aoclib to /home/vinay/Documents/opencl_fpga/PipeCNN/project/device/RTL/rtl_lib.aoclib

lib_path = .

All OpenCL C models were extracted from specified libraries and added to compilation

aoc: Environment checks are completed successfully.

aoc: Cached files in /var/tmp/aocl/ may be used to reduce compilation time

You are now compiling the full flow!!

aoc: Selected default target board a10gx

aoc: Running OpenCL parser....

/home/vinay/Documents/opencl_fpga/PipeCNN/project/device/ warning: unknown attribute 'task' ignored



/home/vinay/Documents/opencl_fpga/PipeCNN/project/device/ error: expected a for, while, or do-while loop to follow '#pragma ivdep'

Item:for(unsigned int  win_itm_xyz=0; win_itm_xyz<item_loop_bound; win_itm_xyz++){


/home/vinay/Documents/opencl_fpga/PipeCNN/project/device/ error: expected a for, while, or do-while loop to follow '#pragma ivdep'

/home/vinay/Documents/opencl_fpga/PipeCNN/project/device/ warning: unknown attribute 'task' ignored



/home/vinay/Documents/opencl_fpga/PipeCNN/project/device/ warning: unknown attribute 'task' ignored



/home/vinay/Documents/opencl_fpga/PipeCNN/project/device/ error: 'max_work_group_size' attribute requires exactly 3 arguments



3 warnings and 3 errors generated.

Error: OpenCL parser FAILED

Makefile:139: recipe for target 'conv.aocx' failed

make: *** [conv.aocx] Error 1   



Any ideas on i can fix this .




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