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14900k + Gigabyte Z690 - Stability issues




I got a 14900k a couple of months ago, and i am having serious issues now.
At first the temps were rather high, and this is coming from a 12900k, so i started with a force power limit of pl1/pl2 to 125/253 (8 seconds). Everything else is default settings on what Gigabyte puts in.
I did disable multi core enhancements/etc as well.

Now i am having issues with playing games like Hellblade 2, which is giving me out of memory issues, i've tried further locking to 5.7ghz, and limiting power limit to just 125W, but that was working for a bit, but then that started to also start random crashes/out of memory. Next i tried just locking cores max to 5.4, which was working for awhile but again same issue.

I reached out to my store here in Australia, and they are flat out refusing to even help or assist in a refund, saying it was user error.

The worst part is i sold my 12900k to my friend, so i am left with a non working 14900k where i am basically downclocking for even less performance. 

I also tried to reach to Gigabyte they haven't even released a bios update for z690 with the proper settings that intel suggested.

I feel like i just have a shiny paper weight, and now unable to play most of my games. I could really use some help here, i am honestly kind of tired of having to keep downclocking to play games now. WoW is fine, but now its starting to stutter as well.


DDR4 3200 / Gigabyte Z690 Aorus / Latest Bios (No proper updated intel power limits).

Used XTU to limit further and further down, but i feel like at this point its rather pointless.


(I had no issues with 12900k).

My only hope here is that perhaps i can get some help here, and my last last hope is to go to the consumer act with AU, but that is such a lengthy process and a headache.


Kind Regards

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