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My 14900k's avx2, unreal crash problem is solved by adding voltage. WHY?


I discovered the 14900k crash issue last January and requested an RMA.
The replaced 14900k passed all tests and had no problems.

Last week, I saw on the news that bsod occurred when running the Tekken 8 demo.
When I ran Tekken 8 on my 14900k, I was shocked to see a low VRAM message.

Why are the failures and crashes happening again?

I searched all day to find the cause.
As is known, we confirmed that the error disappears when the clock is lowered by 0.1Ghz.

Limiting power consumption to 252w also did not work. bsod was visible.
Limiting the temperature to 90 degrees also didn't work. BSOD has occurred, although less frequently.

As a result of several tests, we found a setting where the voltage of VF Point 8 (5.8 Ghz) of 14900k was slightly increased than the voltage of adjacent Point 7.
Since the P core clock of the 14900K is 5.7, we inferred that the interpolated voltage between Point7 and Point8 would be used.
I confirmed that the AVX2 test was successful when I additionally set the voltage of Point8 to +0.04.
It is successful even if there is no clock down or power consumption limit.

I don't have much knowledge about BIOS.
Why is the voltage value used for VF 8 such that non-AVX2 tests succeed but AVX2 does not?




I ask the question again.


1. Why do the failures and crashes occur again?
2. Why is the voltage at VF Point 8 used such that it is insufficient to pass the AVX2 test?
3. Is it okay to use my 14900k by changing the voltage of vf 8? Is it possible for asus to fix this through BIOS update?
4. Or do I still need to rma my 14900k again?

Sorry for the awkward sentences as I wrote them through translation.

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1 Reply

Hello whysobsod, 

I have sent you an email about this request. Kindly please check your messages for more details. Thank you. 

Ramyer M.

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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