Intel® Processors, Tools, and Utilities
16105 Discussions

Turbo Boost Fica Sempre Ativado


Procurei na comunidade e não encontrei a resposta para minha questão, 

adquiri um I7 11700 e placa mae ASUS Z590 plus Wifi e meu Turbo Boost sempre fica ativado, mesmo quando não estou utilizando o computador a frequencia da CPU fica em torno de 4400mhz com 1% de uso. isto é normal? não deveria voltar para o clock base 2.500mhz?

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5 Replies

Eu nem estou usando o Windows, olhem o print!!

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Alevivaldi, Thank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support.

In order for us to provide the most accurate assistance on this topic, we just wanted to confirm a few details about your system:

When did you purchase the board?

When did you purchase the processor?

Did you build the PC?

Does the problem happen before or is it recently?

When did the issue start?

Did you make any recent hardware/software changes that might cause this issue?

Which Windows* version are you using?

Does the problem happen at home or in the work environment?

Please attach the SSU report so we can verify further details about the components in your platform, check all the options in the report including the one that says "3rd party software logs":

Any questions, please let me know.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Eu montei este pc dia 05/10/2021

memoria está rodando a 3200mhz embora ela pode atingir 3600 no perfil XMP, coloquei perfil 3200MHZ por causa do controlador de memoria do CPU.

placa mae Asus z590 plus wi-fi

estou usando o turbo boss 3.0 ativado e o cpu sempre fica acima dos 4,2 ghz mesmo quando eu não estou usando o pc. Ate onde eu sei o turbo deveria ser ativado apenas se fosse exigido a carga de trabalho, minha fonte é EVGA 1000w QG e as tensões estão otimas, verificado com power supply testador IV AT-01 da DEX.

o cpu ficar nesta carga de trabalho vai danificar ele a longo prazo?

por qual motivo está ocorrendo isto, todo os componetes são novos, comprei tudo junto na KABUM

Estou enviando relatorio de todo meu sistema e fotos, obrigado!!

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Agora eu fiz um reset na Bios da placa mae e deixei todas as conf em default, memoria ram em 2666mhz Jedec

enviando em anexos os relatorios

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Alevivaldi, Thank you very much for providing that information, the SSU report, and the pictures.

Just to let you know, we only provide support in English language and currently, we are using a translation tool.

In reference to your questions:

"Ate onde eu sei o turbo deveria ser ativado apenas se fosse exigido a carga de trabalho", that is correct, that is exactly how it should work, based on the workload at an specific momento when you are using the computer.

"o cpu ficar nesta carga de trabalho vai danificar ele a longo prazo?", yes, because the processor will be running at full capacity all the time and eventually it will be repercussions in performance and in the longevity of the equipment.

"por qual motivo está ocorrendo isto, todo os componetes são novos, comprei tudo junto na KABUM", it is difficult to know for sure, sometimes there might be some settings in the BIOS that make the processor to be overclocked automatically and that will cause the processor to be running at full potential all the time.

According to the information in the SSU, the memory RAM is running within specifications, DDR4-3200MHz as you can observe in the following link:

"Agora eu fiz um reset na Bios da placa mae e deixei todas as conf em default, memoria ram em 2666mhz Jedec", perfect, excellent, that is the way we always recommend to use the computer, at stock specifications with the default BIOS settings in order to avoid, for example, that the processor gets overclocked automatically. Also, altering clock frequency or voltage may damage or reduce the useful life of the processor and other system components, and may reduce system stability and performance. 

The same thing in regard to the XMP profile, since as you mentioned, the memory controller is located in the processor, so when running at speeds that it does not support, sooner or later can cause problems with the production of the device., it is a good thing for this specific processor to use at 3200MHz or lower.

We do have a tool, that is our official tool that is called Intel® Processor Diagnostics Tool, it does an overall test on the unit and if it passes that test it means the processor is working fine and there are no hardware problems with it, and if it does not, then the processor will need to be replaced:

Besides running that tool, we advise to get in contact directly with ASUS support to make sure the BIOS has the optimal settings, that the latest version is currently installed, or to gather the instructions o how to do that. It is very important to check that directly with them because even though the BIOS settings are set to default values, still there might be some features or settings in it that might cause for the Intel® Turbo Boost to be activated all the time or that it will overclock the processor to run at maximum speed:


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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