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What is the alternative technology for Intel optane memory in generation 12th CPU and z690 MB?


Hello. I am Hamid. I use z90 motherboard with intel 12600k processor. I have 3 hard drives  2TB that are Raid0 and have a total of 5.4 TB of space. I wanted to know how to increase the speed of these hard drives that What is the alternative technology of Intel optane memory in intel 12th and chip z 690 gaming? Thanks for Guide...

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1 Reply

Hello BlueBagheri,  


Thank you for posting on the Intel® communities. I understand you need some information about the Intel® Optane™ Memory Products.

If you want to improve the speed of your storage, you may need to try a solid-state drive (SSD) or an SSD NVMe.

I want to let you know that the Intel® Optane™ Memory products have reached End of Life production and will no longer be supported on newer Intel® Processors starting with the 12th and 13th Generations. Bear in mind that the Intel® Optane™ Memory H10 with Solid State Storage and Intel® Optane™ Memory H20 with Solid State Storage is supported on 12th Generation Intel® Processors with Intel RST driver version 19.0.

I recommend you check with the motherboard manufacturer to confirm if their motherboard is compatible with the Intel® Optane™ Memory technology.

You can find more information related to the Intel® Optane™ Memory in the following links:

1. Intel® Optane™ Memory:

2. User Guides:

3. Intel® Optane™ Memory Products Not Supported on 12th/13th Generation Intel® Processors and Related Platforms:

Please keep in mind that this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel.  


Deivid A.  

Intel Customer Support Technician  

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