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16138 Discussions

i9 14900k parity errors, unreal engine game crashes.



I have a new system with the i9 14900k processor. I have been experiencing instability with certain applications which have been generating WHEA-Logger corrected hardware errors.  In particular:

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor APIC ID: 56

These errors appear when I first attempt to run a game such as "Deliver Us Mars". Normally it will generate the error on first load attempt, if i try a second time I sometimes get a BSOD.

I previously had an ASUS 4070ti Strix GPU installed, but I have now removed the GPU to simplify diagnosis.

Current cooling solution is Corsair AIO H150i Elite 360mm Radiator.

I would like assistance to further diagnose the CPU to determine if there is a potential fault and to arrange RMA for replacement.

System is not and has not been overclocked.

Please advise.

Thanks in advance for your attention to my issue.



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16 Replies

Hello Greg-C

Thank you for posting in the communities. 

To further check your system, kindly send us the SSU logs. You may download it using this link: ,You may also run our Intel Processor and Diagnostic Tool so we can further diagnose your CPU for errors at this link : Kindly also let us know the list of applications affected so we can further investigate what is causing the error message to come up.  I'll be waiting for your reply.

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hi Ramyer,

Thanks for your reply. Find attached the SSU output for your reference.

I ran the processor diagnostic tool, it seemed to run fine without error.

I have found the following applications do not function, either generating a WHEA-Logger error or will cause the computer to blue screen with a WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT.


Deliver Us Mars - causes BSOD
Outer Worlds - Generates WHEA error


WHEA Errors:

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Translation Lookaside Buffer Error
Processor APIC ID: 16

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor APIC ID: 32


I will continue to test more applications add further examples in reply to this.




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Hello Greg-C, 

Upon checking the logs, I noticed your motherboard can be upgraded. Kindly please try first updating your BIOS at this link: Also, I noticed that the game you have been trying requires a graphics card to run, kindly please make sure that ASUS 4070ti Strix GPU is inserted in your system. Just to confirm as well, have you made any changes in your system before the issue occurred? Were you able to play the Deliver Us Mars game before without any issues? Are there also any pending updates on your windows? The reason I ask is because I want to better understand if there are other triggers that caused the issue . 

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hi Ramyer,

I have updated my motherboard to the latest BIOS version from FG to FH

I have double checked that windows update has no outstanding updates.

I have reinstalled my GPU.

I was able to play Deliver Us Mars on my old Z390 Aorus Elite motherboard and CPU(i9 9900k), with the 4070ti with no problems.

On attempting to run the game Deliver Us Mars on my new system, the game crashes after 1 second playing back the opening credit video, with the Unreal error: Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION

On reviewing my event logs, the following 5 WHEA_Logger entries where created:

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor APIC ID: 16

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor APIC ID: 16

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Translation Lookaside Buffer Error
Processor APIC ID: 16

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor APIC ID: 16

Reported by component: Processor Core
Error Source: Corrected Machine Check
Error Type: Internal parity error
Processor APIC ID: 16


Next I will try using the OS boot drive from my old MB in the new MB to see if the application still fails.


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Hello Greg-C, 

Thank you for letting me know about the steps that you have taken. To minimize your effort, I will be sending you an email regarding the troubleshooting of this CPU. Kindly please check your emails for the steps that you can take and let us know if it works for you.

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Ramyer,


I have the exact same hardware specs and get the same error (from blender and adobe premier). Mind sharing your findings with me as well?


Thank you!

- Zach

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Hi Raymer and TheLampshady,


I recently followed the recommendations listed in the following Reddit thread:



Gigabyte Motherboards:

  1. Save your current settings into a profile so you can return to them later if you want.

  2. Reset your BIOS to default settings.

  3. Enable XMP(if your RAM supports it).

  4. Set Package Power Limit 1 = 253

  5. Set Package Power Limit 2 = 253

  6. Set Core Current Limit = 307Amps


So far I have not had any further issues.


0 Kudos

Amazing Greg, thank you! I can run my programs again.


I will also add for the updated bios on ( GIGABYTE Z790 AORUS ELITE AX 1.x | FH ) 


Most settings are under: Advanced --> Tweaker --> Advanced CPU Settings --> Turbo Power Limits

  • Turbo Power Limits --> Enabled
  • Core Current Limits(Amps) --> 307
  • Package Power Limit1 - TDP (Watts) --> 253
  • Package Power Limit1 Time --> 56
  • Package Power Limit2 (Watts) --> 253
  • Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) ---> XMP 1



0 Kudos

Hello Greg-C, 

Thank you for sharing with us the recommendation that have worked for you. That is indeed a good way to empower our community. I just want to ask, were you able to try the recommendation we made for you? If you do, how did it go? 

As for TheLampshady, is everything alright now with your system as well? 

Ramyer M.

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Not 100% yet. When I run the intel benchmark for CPU, the app crashes and closes. The windows logs still show the Internal parity error. 

0 Kudos

I tried another recommendation from Ramyer M, I removed the previous wattage settings.

1. In BIOS, select "ADVANCED MODE", in the twaeker tab locate the CPU Vcore and select "Normal" option, select Dynamic Vcore(DVID) option and change it from "Auto" to "+0.0005V"

Test applications and increase DVID by +0.005 and reboot until the crashes dissappear.

My system seems to be running stable on just the +0.005V setting so far.

Time will tell if this works, I'm getting fed up how poorly motherboard defaults are set for this CPU. 

I purchase a 14900k to get maximum performance, not a processor that needs to be hamstrung just to be stable.

0 Kudos

Amazing find, Greg and Ramyer! I am able to render in blender again and run benchmarks. Temp has not gone over 70. I had issues with just one +0.005, here is what i got now:


  • Turbo Power Limits --> Enabled
  • Core Current Limits(Amps) --> 307
  • Package Power Limit1 - TDP (Watts) --> 253
  • Package Power Limit1 Time --> 56
  • Package Power Limit2 (Watts) --> 253
  • Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.) --> XMP 1
  • CPU Vcore --> Normal
  • Dynamic Vcore(DVID) --> +0.015V
  • Undervolt Protection --> Enabled


It's insane that most MB don't have settings for such a popular chip. I created a ticket with Gigabyte (still waiting on response) to hopefully get a fix.

0 Kudos

Really glad I found this post, thank you to everyone that contributed!  I have had game crashing issues since I built my PC last year with the 13900KS processor combined with the MSI z790 Godlike motherboard and a CM1250W PSU.  I left the processor at default clock speeds and didn't touch any BIOS settings besides trying to turn on XMP.  The PC would pass stress tests but many games would crash to desktop or bsod.  Unreal engine games would instantly crash to desktop when trying to compile shaders.  I was able to play these games by turning off XMP and setting the game executable to Win 8 compatibility mode.  I went through so many forum posts where people didn't have this issue so I was baffled.  I could play very demanding games like MS Flight Sim in VR with ultra settings without issues so I knew my hardware was solid.

I tried different RAM kits to rule out the RAM and bought a 14900KS to rule out the processor and no matter what I tried, my system didn't seem stable.  That was until I found this post and it described my issues exactly.  Turns out the Long Duration Power Limit and Short Duration Power Limit were both set to auto but the value on the left showed these settings at 4096W!  The CPU Current Limit was also set over 500A!  After lowering these settings to 253W for both PL1 and PL2 and 305A for the CPU Limit I am finally able to play Unreal Engine games without using compatibility mode and my RAM is running at the advertised speed of 7200MHz.

Going to head over to the Steam forums and mention this fix because there are quite a few people having issues with Unreal Engine games on PC's with newer processors.


0 Kudos

Hi ThreeDeeVision,


Thank you so much for posting this. I have a 13900K with similar problems, but my MSI MPG Z790 Carbon WiFi motherboard BIOS does not allow me to change the Long Duration Power Limit. It is set on Auto and also shows 4096W and I'm unable to change it. Same with the CPU Current Limit.

Could you please tell me how you were able to change the Long Duration Power Limit and CPU Current Limit?

All your help is most appreciated.
0 Kudos

Here is the root cause and solution:

Optimizing Stability for Intel 13900k and 14900k CPU’s : r/overclocking (

Intel or someone should inform the Motherboard manufacturers about this so they can update their BIOS

0 Kudos

Hello everyone, 

I am glad that the troubleshooting steps shared in this thread has worked as well in your systems. You may also create a new post so we can give you the full focus of our support if needed.

As for Greg C, I have sent you a private message by email. Kindly please check your inbox for more details. Thank you. 

Ramyer M. 

Intel Customer Support Technician 

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