Programmable Devices
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20688 Discussions

Altera Modelsim vsim-3601

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone! 


When i start simulation in quartus the following error message appear: 

"(vsim-3601) Iteration limit 5000 reached at time 0 ps" 


My testbench is: 

`timescale 1 ns/ 1 nsmodule buffer_vlg_tst(); reg CLK_50MHz; wire data_out; buffer i1 ( .CLK_50MHz(CLK_50MHz), .data_out(data_out) ); initial begin CLK_50MHz=1'b1; $display("Running testbench"); forever# 20 CLK_50MHz= ~CLK_50MHz; end 


Any thoughts would be very helpful. Thanks!
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5 Replies
Honored Contributor II

whats the code inside the buffer module?

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Honored Contributor II


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whats the code inside the buffer module? 

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The code is: 

macromodule buffer ( input CLK_50MHz, output data_out ); wire data_count; counter count ( .clock(CLK_2KHz), .q(data_count)); pll my_pll ( .inclk0(CLK_50MHz), .c0(CLK_2KHz), .c1(CLK_8KHz)); serializer serial ( .clk(CLK_8KHz), /*start,*/ .inp_data(data_count), .out_data(data_out), .capture(CLK_2KHz)); endmodule module serializer(clk, inp_data, out_data, capture); input clk, capture; input inp_data; output out_data; reg counter; reg out_data; reg temp_data; always @(posedge capture) temp_data <= inp_data;//input data bufferization always @(posedge clk) begin counter <= 2; counter <= counter + 1'b1; end always @(posedge clk) begin case(counter) 2'd0: out_data <= temp_data; //2 2'd1: out_data <= temp_data; //1 2'd2: out_data <= temp_data; //4 2'd3: out_data <= temp_data; //3 endcase end endmodule
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Honored Contributor II

Tricky, the code is: 


macromodule buffer ( input CLK_50MHz, output data_out ); wire data_count; counter count ( .clock(CLK_2KHz), .q(data_count)); pll my_pll ( .inclk0(CLK_50MHz), .c0(CLK_2KHz), .c1(CLK_8KHz)); serializer serial ( .clk(CLK_8KHz), /*start,*/ .inp_data(data_count), .out_data(data_out), .capture(CLK_2KHz)); endmodule module serializer(clk, inp_data, out_data, capture); input clk, capture; input inp_data; output out_data; reg counter; reg out_data; reg temp_data; always @(posedge capture) temp_data <= inp_data;//input data bufferization always @(posedge clk) begin counter <= 2; counter <= counter + 1'b1; end always @(posedge clk) begin case(counter) 2'd0: out_data <= temp_data; //2 2'd1: out_data <= temp_data; //1 2'd2: out_data <= temp_data; //4 2'd3: out_data <= temp_data; //3 endcase end endmodule
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Honored Contributor II

You have a forever statement inside the initial block. The initial block is for things that happen at time 0. You can't have something go on forever at time 0.

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


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You have a forever statement inside the initial block. The initial block is for things that happen at time 0. You can't have something go on forever at time 0.  

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In a testbench, initial blocks can be used to drive stimulus during simulation for example - a reset: 


initial begin rst = 1; repeat(5) @ (posedge clk) ; rst = 0; end  


But the OP has generated the clock incorrectly. By using# 5 on the assignment, you only delay the assignment, not the loop, causing the 5000 iteration limit as it is trying to assign the clock at time zero. To do it correctly in an inital block: 


inital begin forever begin CLK_50MHz= ~CLK_50MHz; # 20; end end
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