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Can I use 10M02 to Remote System Upgrade over UART with the Nios II Processor?



I am new to MAX10 devices.I wanted to use the 10M02 version of MAX10 for RSU over UART with the Nios II Processor without using any external QSPI flash. I am trying to follow the AN741 document but the steps are for 10M50 device.

1.Can i use 10M02 to RSU with Nios II without using QSPI flash?

2.As we don't have the external QSPI flash, Can on-chip flash is sufficient for NIOS II processor code?

3.When we build code in Nios II processor it generates an .elf file, How to convert it into .pof to load into on-chip flash or QSPI flash?


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2 Replies
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Hi, IMHO no, NIOSII require 600 LE, M02 has just 2K and limited resource, single configuration.

Min size to run NIOS I think has to be 04 preferred 08.

question 1: yes with small code, 02 is still too small but can be large enough to fit your application.

question 2: again no idea of code you wish load on.

question 3: on Qsys block you have to tick initialized ram/rom then link to file containing data. (.elf has to be converted to supported format, or tell compiler generate hex too)


Experience when I used Nios, adding flash controller, timer, JTAG and few peripheral project grow to 7KLE or more.


here is reference of size of NIOS variant


From MAX table overview you can evaluate user flash size, 02 has single configuration, so no way to load new configuration in safe mode.




Thanks Roberto for your contribution, One more thing Harsha; you have to go to Quartus>>file>>convert programming files. this tool will convert the HEX and SOf files to POF. Create the hex file that contains your software code and sof file before opening the "Convert Programming Files" tool. Regards.