Programmable Devices
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Cyclone V SDRAM brige blocked and CPU DMA sync

Honored Contributor II

Hi everyone, 

I'm currently trying to implement a FPGA design using a 325 MHz clock, which writes to the SDRAM Controller of a Cyclone V 5CSEBA6U23I7 (Speed Grade 7). 

When running my IP Core with 2 MHz everything works fine, but when I change the PLL clock to either 200 MHz or 325 MHz the data I can observe with SignalTap becomes completly random. 

I've attached an image, in which I want to point out the 4th signal (bRun), which should be constant at 1, but in the observation toggles to 0 and back to 1. Some other signals also experience completly random behaviour, like some internal busses, which carry non-zero data, when they should be zero. 

I don't think this is an EMC problem, because I'm using a development board (DE10-Nano from terasic) and all signals are FPGA-internal, which should be able to handle these clockspeeds. 

The IP-Core is written in Verilog and I made sure to synchronize read and write operations on different edges of the respective clock to make sure, that the signals are stable and not transitioning when being read. 

Following you can find the code for my RAM-write state machine, but as stated it works perfectly fine at 2 MHz. 

If you guys have any idea about the reason for this behaviour I'd be very thankful. 


always@(posedge clock_clk_ram or posedge reset_reset) begin if(reset_reset) begin imgSize <= 32'b0; nCntCurPos <= 4'b0; nOutWord <= 256'b0; irqFromFPGAMaster <= 0; state <= 3'b0; fifo_read <= 0; avm_m0_address <= 27'b0; avm_m0_writedata <= 256'b0; avm_m0_write <= 0; avm_m0_byteenable <= 32'b0; end else begin if(clearIrqFromHPS||~bRun)//reset all states after irq has been handled, or if device has been stopped begin imgSize <= 32'b0; nCntCurPos <= 4'b0; nOutWord <= 256'b0; irqFromFPGAMaster <= 0; state <= 3'b0; fifo_read <= 0; avm_m0_address <= 27'b0; avm_m0_writedata <= 256'b0; avm_m0_write <= 0; avm_m0_byteenable <= 32'b0; end else if(bRun && ~irqFromFPGAMaster && ~clearIrqFromHPS)//RAM access okay begin case(state) 'b000://accumulate 256 bit data begin if(~fifo_empty)// && fifo_rnuminfifo!='b0001) begin imgSize <= imgSize + 'd2;//is going to be incremented in the next cycle (d-flipflop) nCntCurPos <= nCntCurPos + 4'b1;//is going to be incremented in the next cycle (d-flipflop) fifo_read <= 1; irqFromFPGAMaster <= 0; avm_m0_address <= 27'b0; avm_m0_writedata <= 256'b0; avm_m0_write <= 0; nOutWord <= fifo_out; avm_m0_byteenable <= 2'b11; if(imgSize >= maxImgSize - 32'd2) //image done, transmit data and fire irq state <= 3'b101; else if(nCntCurPos=='d15) //process transfer without irq state <= 3'b001; else //else continue to accumulate data state <= 3'b000; end else//FIFO is empty, wait for more data begin imgSize <= imgSize; nCntCurPos <= nCntCurPos; nOutWord <= nOutWord; irqFromFPGAMaster <= 0; state <= 3'b000; fifo_read <= 0; avm_m0_address <= 27'b0; avm_m0_writedata <= 256'b0; avm_m0_write <= 0; avm_m0_byteenable <= avm_m0_byteenable; end end 'b001,//write to sdram, after that accumulate more data 'b101://write to sdram, after that trigger interrupt begin imgSize <= imgSize; nCntCurPos <= 4'b0; nOutWord <= nOutWord; irqFromFPGAMaster <= 0; fifo_read <= 0; if(imgSize>32) avm_m0_address <= baseAddress+((imgSize>>5)-27'd1); else avm_m0_address <= baseAddress; avm_m0_writedata <= nOutWord; avm_m0_write <= 1; avm_m0_byteenable <= avm_m0_byteenable; if(~avm_m0_waitrequest) state <= state ^ 3'b011; else state <= state; end 'b010,//end of single transmit 'b110://end of img, begin imgSize <= imgSize; nCntCurPos <= 4'b0; nOutWord <= 256'b0; fifo_read <= 0; avm_m0_address <= 27'b0; avm_m0_writedata <= 256'b0; avm_m0_write <= 0; avm_m0_byteenable <= 32'b0; irqFromFPGAMaster <= state; if(state==0) state <= 3'b000; else state <= state; end endcase end else//Running, but IRQ hasn't been handled yet, preserve some data begin imgSize <= imgSize; irqFromFPGAMaster <= irqFromFPGAMaster; //irqFromFPGAMaster <= 0; //imgSize <= 32'd0; nCntCurPos <= 4'b0; nOutWord <= 256'b0; state <= 3'b0; fifo_read <= 0; avm_m0_address <= 27'b0; avm_m0_writedata <= 256'b0; avm_m0_write <= 0; avm_m0_byteenable <= 32'b0; end end end
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