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DDR3 SDRAM Examle Design state machine

module Avalon_bus_RW_Test ( iCLK, iRST_n, iBUTTON, local_init_done, avl_waitrequest_n, avl_address, avl_readdatavalid, avl_readdata, avl_writedata, avl_read, avl_write, avl_burstbegin, drv_status_pass, drv_status_fail, drv_status_test_complete, c_state, y0, y1, y2,z,y ); parameter ADDR_W = 26; parameter DATA_W = 128; input iCLK; input iRST_n; input iBUTTON; input local_init_done; input avl_waitrequest_n; // avl.waitrequest_n output [ADDR_W-1:0] avl_address; // .address input avl_readdatavalid; // .readdatavalid input [DATA_W-1:0] avl_readdata; // .readdata output [DATA_W-1:0] avl_writedata; // .writedata output avl_read; // .read output avl_write; // .write output drv_status_pass; output drv_status_fail; output drv_status_test_complete; output avl_burstbegin; output [3:0]c_state; output [63:0] y0, y1, y2; output [7:0] z; output [127:0] y; //======================================================= // Signal declarations //======================================================= reg [63:0] clk_cnt, cal_data; reg [1:0] pre_button; reg trigger; reg [DATA_W-1:0] data_reg; wire [63:0] y0, y1, y2; wire [7:0] z; wire [DATA_W-1:0] y; reg [3:0] c_state; reg avl_write, avl_read; reg [ADDR_W-1:0] avl_address; reg [DATA_W-1:0] avl_writedata; reg [4:0] write_count; wire max_avl_address; wire same; //======================================================= // Structural coding //======================================================= assign avl_burstbegin = avl_write || avl_read; assign y0 = cal_data + {44'b0, avl_address}; assign y1 = {y0[31:0], y0[63:32]} ^ cal_data; assign y2 = y1 + cal_data; assign z = y1[7:0] + y2[7:0]; assign y = {y2[61:5],z,y2}; //128 bits 32bits DDR3 width,128 bits avalon data; data not allign to 32 bits assign max_avl_address = &avl_address; assign same = data_reg == avl_writedata; always@(posedge iCLK) if (!iRST_n) clk_cnt <= 64'b0; else clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 64'b1; always@(posedge iCLK) begin if (!iRST_n) begin pre_button <= 2'b11; trigger <= 1'b0; write_count <= 5'b0; c_state <= 4'b0; avl_write <= 1'b0; avl_read <= 1'b0; end else begin pre_button <= {pre_button[0], iBUTTON}; //spam trigger <= !pre_button[0] && pre_button[1];//spam case (c_state) 0 : begin //idle avl_address <= {ADDR_W{1'b0}}; if (local_init_done && iBUTTON) begin cal_data <= clk_cnt; c_state <= 1; end end 1 : begin //write avl_writedata <= y; //sdc set multi-cycle 3 if (write_count[3]) begin write_count <= 5'b0; avl_write <= 1'b1;//output of this state and c_state <= 2;// and at the same time change state to 2. end else write_count <= write_count + 1'b1; end 2 : begin //finish write one data if (avl_waitrequest_n) // if this happens then begin avl_write <= 1'b0; // and output of this state is this c_state <= 3; //next state is this end end 3 : begin if (max_avl_address) //finish write all(burst) begin avl_address <= {ADDR_W{1'b0}}; c_state <= 10; end else //write the next data begin avl_address <= avl_address + 1'b1; c_state <= 1; end end 10 : c_state <= 11; 11 : c_state <= 4; 4 : begin //read avl_writedata <= y; //sdc set multi-cycle 3 avl_read <= 1; if (!write_count[3]) write_count <= write_count + 1'b1; if (avl_waitrequest_n) c_state <= 5; end 5 : begin //latch read data avl_read <= 0; if (!write_count[3]) write_count <= write_count + 5'b1; if (avl_readdatavalid) begin data_reg <= avl_readdata; c_state <= 6; end end 6 : begin //finish compare one data if (write_count[3]) begin write_count <= 5'b0; if (same) c_state <= 7; else c_state <= 8; end else write_count <= write_count + 1'b1; end 7 : begin if (max_avl_address) //finish compare all begin avl_address <= {ADDR_W{1'b0}}; c_state <= 9; end else //compare the next data begin avl_address <= avl_address + 1'b1; c_state <= 4; end end 8 : c_state <= 8; 9 : c_state <= 9; default : c_state <= 0; endcase end end // test result assign drv_status_pass = (c_state == 9) ? 1 : 0; assign drv_status_fail = (c_state == 8) ? 1 : 0; assign drv_status_test_complete = drv_status_pass || drv_status_fail; endmodule

​Below is the RTL code of state machine for DDR3 SDRAM writing or reading module. In example design. I just wana know why at Avalon wait request(n) , the avalone write or avalone read signla is put to 0? avalone waitreq(n) is active low signal so avalone write should be 1 when it goes low. anyone know the reason please? It is in state 2 and state  4 and 5

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3 Replies

Hi @matif​ ,


I am sorry for the delay in response due to current workload.


Let me clarify on DDR3 controller signal as below and hope it help for your understanding.


  • When "local_init_done” goes high, this indicate DDR3 calibration is completed and DDR3 controller is ready to accept user Avalon MM command. (user can send avalon command but controller won't process it yet)


  • User command will only be process once DDR3 avalon slave "avl_ready" goes high or its respective avalon master "wait_request" (this is normal wait_request signal without 'n') goes low .


  • So, yes you're right, the waitreq(n) is active low signal. Means that signal will be performing its function when its logic level is 0. So, there will be no data transaction (read/write , logic level is 0) during this period until the avl_ready goes high.


Hope this clear.






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Dear Aida,

Thank you so much for your reply. Is there any documentation of the above code? There are still some points that I need to understand. For example, in state 1 why is if (writecount[3]) is being used. It will be great if you can share some documentation of the above code.

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Dear @matif​ ,


Is this coding (memory test module) obtained from Terasic board (please correct me if I'm wrong) ? Because I am not aware of this test module so far.


I would like to help but unfortunately I am not coding expert here. If this is the test module from Terasic, I suggest you to contact the Terasic vendor and address the query.


Please let me know your feedback or anything further I could help you. 😊






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