Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20703 Discussions

Dual Boot (Configuration) IP registers cannot read

New Contributor II

I use altera_dual_boot (Dual Configuration) IP core without Nios II. I use the IP core for RSU implement. I can write the writable registers with addresses [0,1] (Trigger reconfig and config selection registers). But I cannot read the read only registers such as addresses [3,7] (Busy state and config selection info registers). When I try the read them, I get 0. I though they are really be 0 but I change the config sel reg and read after that, it still give me 0. I know I successfully change the config sel because I can reconfig from the selected CFM.

By the way they are not any documentation about how can we read or write the data to this regs. IP core's document (ug_m10_config) just tells the regs addresses. In the platform designer, I export the dual boot IP pin to control it over VHDL. The exported pins are {address, read, write, read_address, write_address}. I assume the read and write signals are for enabling these operations. jozephka99_0-1617261251703.png

In the VHDL code, I use these signals like:


Component definition:


component pdesigner is
clk_clk: in  std_logic:= 'X'; -- clk
reset_reset_n: in  std_logic:= 'X'; -- reset_n
dual_boot_avalon_address: in  std_logic_vector(2 downto 0):= (others => 'X'); 	-- address
dual_boot_avalon_read: in  std_logic:= 'X'; -- read
dual_boot_avalon_writedata: in  std_logic_vector(31 downto 0):= (others => 'X'); 	-- writedata
dual_boot_avalon_write: in  std_logic:= 'X'; -- write
dual_boot_avalon_readdata: out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)	-- readdata
end component;	



Port mapping:


rsu_block : component pdesigner
port map (
clk_clk                    => clk,
reset_reset_n              => reset,
dual_boot_avalon_address   => db_avalon_address,
dual_boot_avalon_read      => db_avalon_read,
dual_boot_avalon_writedata => db_avalon_writedata,
dual_boot_avalon_write     => db_avalon_write,
dual_boot_avalon_readdata  => db_avalon_readdata





cnt <= cnt + 1;

if(cnt = 0) then
db_avalon_address 	<= "011";	-- rsu busy reg
db_avalon_write 	<= '0';
db_avalon_read 		<= '1';
elsif(cnt = 5) then
db_avalon_write 	<= '0';
db_avalon_read 		<= '0';
LED(0)              <= db_avalon_readdata(0); -- rest of them is reserved
elsif(cnt = 10) then
db_avalon_address 	<= "001";
db_avalon_writedata(0) 	<= '1';	-- set config_sel_overwrite
db_avalon_writedata(1)	<= boot_cfm_sel;	-- set config_sel
db_avalon_writedata(31 downto 2) <= (others => '0');	-- reserved
db_avalon_write 	<= '1';
elsif(cnt = 15) then
db_avalon_write 	<= '0';
db_avalon_address 	<= "111";	-- config sel input reg
db_avalon_read 		<= '1';
elsif(cnt = 20) then
db_avalon_write 	<= '0';
db_avalon_read 		<= '0';
LED(1)              <= db_avalon_readdata(0);
elsif(cnt = 25) then
db_avalon_address 	<= "000"; -- trigger reconfig
db_avalon_writedata <= x"00000001";	-- hold nconfig min 250ns, 4 cycle at 12 MHz
db_avalon_write 	<= '1';

end if;



So with this code, I can write  and reconfig but cannot read the registers. Any help will be appreciated.

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4 Replies
Honored Contributor III

The read signal is active high.  Why are you setting db_avalon_read to 0 when you're trying to do a read?  The read signal must be held with the address to perform a read.

I'm presuming this is a clocked process for the cnt signal.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Yes this is clocked process, I don't want to bother you with legwork. I'm setting the db_avalon_read high for 5 cycles then I clear it. My measurement show me that 3 cycles are enough for read / write.  I changed my code a little bit and I can read the busy signal but still no data at config sel reg. Here is my edited code: 

if(cnt = 0) then
   db_avalon_address 	<= "001";
   db_avalon_writedata(0) <= '1';	-- set config_sel_overwrite
   db_avalon_writedata(1)<= boot_cfm_sel;	-- set config_sel
   db_avalon_writedata(31 downto 2) <= (others => '0');	-- reserved
   db_avalon_write 	<= '1';
   db_avalon_read 	<= '0';
   cnt <= cnt + 1;
elsif(cnt = 3) then	-- write operation needs 3 cycle
   db_avalon_write 	<= '0';
   db_avalon_read 	<= '0';
   cnt <= cnt + 1;
elsif(cnt = 4) then	
   db_avalon_address 	<= "011";	-- busy reg
   db_avalon_read 		<= '1';
   db_avalon_write 	<= '0';
   cnt <= cnt + 1;
elsif(cnt = 5) then	-- read operation needs 1 cycle
   db_avalon_read 		<= '0';
   db_avalon_write 	<= '0';
   cnt <= cnt + 1;
elsif(cnt = 6) then	-- read data came in 2th cycle
   if(db_avalon_readdata /= x"00000000") then
	LED(0) <= db_avalon_readdata(0);
	cnt <= 4;
	cnt <= cnt + 1;
   end if;
elsif(cnt = 20000000) then
   db_avalon_address 	<= "000";	-- trigger reconfig
   db_avalon_writedata 	<= x"00000001";	-- hold nconfig min 250ns, 4 cycle at 12 MHz
   db_avalon_write 	<= '1';
   db_avalon_read 	<= '0';
   cnt <= cnt + 1;
else	-- wait for FPGA trig reconfig
   cnt <= cnt + 1;
end if;	
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor III

I don't see you accessing address 7 at all in this revised code.

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

You can think that the address 3 in the revised code as address 7. Because I tried both addresses. 

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