Programmable Devices
CPLDs, FPGAs, SoC FPGAs, Configuration, and Transceivers
20677 Discussions

cyclone5 gt and ddrin 400 Mhz for adc acquisition

Honored Contributor II

Hi to hall. 


I'm trying to connect an ADC (ads5263) to a FPGA (cyclone 5 GT dev board). 

The ADC has for each channel (4 channels in total) 2 lvds outputs and a bit clock of 400 MHz DDR. 

So working on 100MSPS 16 bits will 800Mbps x 2 outputs = 1.6 Gbps. 

The bit clock (400 MHz DDR) is center-aligned with the data of the 2 outputs. 

The Tsu and Th of the adc is respectively: 0.23ns and 0.31 ns. 


Reading the various documents I calculated the max and min delays related to the launch of virtual clock (that is 90 degrees in advance with respect to the latch clock supplied from the ADC): 


default_tsu (@ 400MHz DDR) = 0.625 ns. 

default_th (@ 400MHz DDR) = 0.625 ns. 


tmax = default_tsu - t_su (ADC) = 0.625 - 0.23 = 0.395ns 

tmax = 0.395ns 

tmin = - (default_h - t_h (ADC) = 0.625 - 0.31 = - (0.315ns) 

tmin = -0.315ns 



I set the input_delay as follows: 

# ************************************************* *************# time information# ************************************************* ************* 


set_time_format -unit ns -decimal_places 3 

# ************************************************* *************# create clock# ************************************************* ************* 


create_clock -name {adc_bit_clk} -period 2.500 [get_ports {adc_bit_clk}] 

create_clock -name {launch_bit_clk} -period 2.500 -waveform {1.875 3.125}  

# **************************************************************# set input delay# **************************************************************  


set_input_delay -add_delay -clock { launch_bit_clk } -max 0.395 [get_ports {adc_ch* adc_frm_clk}] 

set_input_delay -add_delay -clock { launch_bit_clk } -clock_fall -max 0.395 [get_ports {adc_ch* adc_frm_clk}] 

set_input_delay -add_delay -clock { launch_bit_clk } -min -0.315 [get_ports {adc_ch* adc_frm_clk}] 

set_input_delay -add_delay -clock { launch_bit_clk } -clock_fall -min -0.315 [get_ports {adc_ch* adc_frm_clk}] 

# set false paths to remove irrelevant setup and hold analysis 

set_false_path -fall_from [get_clocks launch_bit_clk] -rise_to [get_clocks {adc_bit_clk}]  


set_false_path -rise_from [get_clocks launch_bit_clk] -fall_to [get_clocks {adc_bit_clk}]  


set_false_path -fall_from [get_clocks launch_bit_clk] -fall_to [get_clocks {adc_bit_clk}]  


set_false_path -rise_from [get_clocks launch_bit_clk] -rise_to [get_clocks {adc_bit_clk}]  




All signals are lvds, optimizations fitter at most. 

But unfortunately timequest analysis fails. 

According to you experts, there is a way to capture the data from the adc ads5263 at 400Mhz DDR of cyclone 5, using megafunction alt_ddio? 


I also enclose a list of the pin settings used on cyclone5 GT dev board: 

set_global_assignment -name family "cyclone v" 

set_global_assignment -name device 5cgtfd9e5f35c7 

set_global_assignment -name top_level_entity top_adc_sample 

set_global_assignment -name original_quartus_version 16.0.0 

set_global_assignment -name project_creation_time_date "14:55:45 december 05, 2016" 

set_global_assignment -name last_quartus_version 16.0.0 

set_global_assignment -name project_output_directory output_files 

set_global_assignment -name min_core_junction_temp 0 

set_global_assignment -name max_core_junction_temp 85 

set_global_assignment -name device_filter_pin_count 1152 

set_global_assignment -name error_check_frequency_divisor 256 

set_global_assignment -name eda_simulation_tool "modelsim (vhdl)" 

set_global_assignment -name eda_time_scale "1 ps" -section_id eda_simulation 

set_global_assignment -name eda_output_data_format vhdl -section_id eda_simulation 

set_global_assignment -name vhdl_file top_adc_sample.vhd 

set_global_assignment -name partition_netlist_type source -section_id top 

set_global_assignment -name partition_fitter_preservation_level placement_and_routing -section_id top 

set_global_assignment -name partition_color 16764057 -section_id top 

set_instance_assignment -name global_signal off -to adc_frm_clk 

set_global_assignment -name sdc_file adc_sample.sdc 

set_global_assignment -name power_preset_cooling_solution "23 mm heat sink with 200 lfpm airflow" 

set_global_assignment -name power_board_thermal_model "none (conservative)" 

set_global_assignment -name qip_file ddio1.qip 



set_global_assignment -name timequest_multicorner_analysis on 

set_global_assignment -name disable_ocp_hw_eval on 


set_location_assignment pin_h17 -to adc_bit_clk 

set_instance_assignment -name io_standard lvds -to adc_bit_clk 

set_instance_assignment -name input_termination differential -to adc_bit_clk 


set_location_assignment pin_f17 -to adc_frm_clk 

set_instance_assignment -name io_standard lvds -to adc_frm_clk 

set_instance_assignment -name input_termination differential -to adc_frm_clk 


set_location_assignment pin_m16 -to adc_ch1_a 

set_instance_assignment -name io_standard lvds -to adc_ch1_a 

set_instance_assignment -name input_termination differential -to adc_ch1_a 


set_location_assignment pin_b8 -to adc_ch1_b 

set_instance_assignment -name io_standard lvds -to adc_ch1_b 

set_instance_assignment -name input_termination differential -to adc_ch1_b 


set_location_assignment pin_h16 -to "adc_bit_clk(n)" 

set_location_assignment pin_f16 -to "adc_frm_clk(n)" 

set_location_assignment pin_l17 -to "adc_ch1_a(n)" 

set_location_assignment pin_a8 -to "adc_ch1_b(n)" 



set_global_assignment -name optimization_mode "aggressive performance" 

set_instance_assignment -name global_signal off -to adc_ch1_b 

set_instance_assignment -name global_signal off -to adc_ch1_a 

set_global_assignment -name optimize_multi_corner_timing off 

set_global_assignment -name io_placement_optimization on 

set_instance_assignment -name partition_hierarchy root_partition -to | -section_id top 


Best regards.
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4 Replies
Honored Contributor II



In my opinion you have entered wrong false path exceptions. You are saying that data is launched by rising edge of virtual clock LAUNCH_BIT_CLK (which is phase shifted +90 deg.), this means that you are latching data with falling edge of ADC_BIT_CLK. So you have to cut paths between same edge transfers in setup and between different edge transfers in hold.  


Also I think you should use PLL in your design, which will help to meet timing in your design. 


0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II


--- Quote Start ---  



In my opinion you have entered wrong false path exceptions. You are saying that data is launched by rising edge of virtual clock LAUNCH_BIT_CLK (which is phase shifted +90 deg.), this means that you are latching data with falling edge of ADC_BIT_CLK. So you have to cut paths between same edge transfers in setup and between different edge transfers in hold.  


Also I think you should use PLL in your design, which will help to meet timing in your design. 



--- Quote End ---  



Hi vlrean! 

My false path exceptions, I think they are correct (see image). 

The launch is at rising and the latching is at rising. 

Then the false path is from rising to falling for setup (et vice-versa), and from rising to rising(and falling to falling) for hold. 


do you agree?
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II



No, i do not agree. You have wrong relationship between launch and latch clocks. See picture from datasheet :  


Your relationship should look like:  


Maybe I am wrong, this is from quick glance in to datasheet. 


Correct your base and virtual clock constraints that they have correct relationship.  

Correct false path exceptions and post your waveform from TimeQuest.
0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

No way with ddio_in function. 

I can respect the timequest analysis only if i use the lvdsrx megafunction, 

using the true lvds receivers of cyclone5. 


Best regards
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