Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2154 Discussions

Intel RST with Optane - HDD head parking

Hello, I've noticed a problem with the Intel RST with Optane, ver. I'm using Asus Z270-P mainboard (BIOS 1205), WD Gold HDD (WD4002FYYZ-01B7CB0, fw 01.01M02) and Intel Optane module (MEMPEK1W032GA, fw K3110310). The HDD started to make an annoying noise rather frequently with the above mentioned RST version. I've found that this noise is caused by the HDD head parking as the HDD S.M.A.R.T. value C1 "Load/Unload Cycle Count" is incremented by 1 everytime I hear this sound (checked with Crystal DiskInfo utility). I suppose that the head parking is caused by the APM being activated by the RST driver. This is a problem because: 1.) Disk access is slower. Especially with the Optane enabled as the HDD is accessed less freqently, this leads to a frequent head parking and subsequent head unparking when the HDD access is needed. 2.) It is NOISY. 3.) It wears down the HDD. I'm think that there was no such problem with older RST releases. I've tried to disable the LPM in the RST GUI and disable the APM with "EnableAPM"=dword:0 entries in [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\iaStorA\Parameters\Device] and [HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\iaStorAC\Parameters\Device]. Head parking seems to be somehow less frequent after this treatment but it is still there. Please, can you solve this? Thank you. Regards, Martin
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3 Replies
Super User

WD drives have ALWAYS had problems.   Replace the drive.

And, head parking?  that was an issue 40 years ago.

Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)

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Drive replacement is obviously not an option. HDD is alright. This is a driver problem. Head parking is a problem with the latest RST, i.e. now. Honestly, whatever was 40 years ago is a bit irrelevant regarding this issue. Anyway thank you for your effort.

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Super User

WD drives have always had a problem with noise.  Just try a non-WD drive to verify if that is the problem or not.   I have had a number of WD drives that I have thrown away because of their noise and problems, even one on a nuc with optane, others on W7 and other OS.

But, it is your system, so it is up to you.

Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)


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