Rapid Storage Technology
Intel® RST, RAID
2154 Discussions

Internal SATA ports don't work as hot-swappable with Intel RST drivers on DQ77MK


Internal SATA ports don't work as hot-swappable with Intel RST 12.9 drivers on DQ77MK usign latest 0064 BIOS. I have the same problem with both Windows 8.1 x64 (AHCI mode) and Windows 7 x64 (RAID mode). I initially had the same problem with eSATA port, but after updating to RST 12.9 eSATA port works correctly. I could reproduce the problem with older versions of RST and BIOS as well. What is interesting if i don't install Intel RST drivers but use default Windows drivers that comes with Windows 8.1 x64 (i haven't tried with Windows 7 x64) everything works as expected. Enabling SATA port as hot-pluggable in BIOS makes it a removable device and i can eject it using standard Windows functionality. And using Windows driver is not an option if a need to enable RAID configuration.

I'm not sure why first post about this issue was deleted. And i've seen other people companing about the same problem.

/message/179015 https://communities.intel.com/message/179015/message/179015# 179015 DZ77RE-75K -- SATA hot swappable not functioning correctly

/thread/48180 https://communities.intel.com/thread/48180

DQ77MK with 0064 BIOS, version G39642-500

Windows 8.1 x64 (UEFI enabled), AHCI mode, RST 12.9

Windows 7 x64, RAID mode, RST 12.9


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1 Reply

Hi GregoryL,

I am sorry to hear you are having problems but let me help you with this.

Based on the information you have provided it seems that this issue is being handled in a different thread.

I recommend you to keep track of the other thread Silvia is working since the information will be provided there.

Here is the link for this:

/thread/48180 https://communities.intel.com/thread/48180

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