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Control 12mm Fan Speed on s5000vsa + sc5299brp + thermaltake cpus fans


Hi People,

I have a intel s5000vsa MB with on an intel sc5299brp pedestal server case, with 2 xeons e5410 and 24gb of ram, the server works ok but since i change the originals cpu coolers with the thermaltake CL-P303 (the old originals have 3 years running and fail one time so i change both, i cant get the intel originals again here in argentina and the only 771 coolers that a could get are the thermeltake cl-p303) the status led is blinking in amber, and the 12mm fan started running at full speed and did not slow down even when the computer was idle, its like was config in Performence mode in setup but its in Acoustic mode. I update the BIOS, BMC, and FRUSDR but the problem persist. I also run selview and showme an error at boot time :

- the cpu speed is too slow 1200-1400 rpm but secons later its 3500-3600. I think that this cooler are slower to get 3500-3600 rpms and BMC marks this error like critical and the status led start blinking and the 12mm fan run to full speed but when the cpus cooler get 3500-3600 rpm, BMC say that rigth now its ok but the status led is still blinking in amber and the 12mm cooler still to full speed. The server run ok, i have no problems with it but the noise is too loud and like is at 4 meters of me its annoying. What can i do to solve this?

thks and sorry about my english

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6 Replies

News, i update again the SDR with the intel deployment assistand cd, and this time choose "other" in case select, and click "yes" on cpu fan 1 and cpu fan 2, then "no" to fan system 3 to 5, and "yes" again to the fan system 6 (that were is the 12mm cooler), then restart, and now the status led is in solid green, but the 12mm cooler still run to full speed, so enter the setup to see if it is in acoustic mode or in performance, and is in Acoustic, so now i have the status led ok in solid green but the problem persist, and my ears still crying. If anybody can help I appreciate it very much.

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When "Other" chassis is selected, all fans run at full speed by default. To change this behavior, you'll need to manually edit the SDR file and do thermal test by your self.

For more information about modifying the SDR file, check the following post:

/message/93150# 93150 93150

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Edward @ Intel escribió:

When "Other" chassis is selected, all fans run at full speed by default. To change this behavior, you'll need to manually edit the SDR file and do thermal test by your self.

For more information about modifying the SDR file, check the following post:

/message/93150# 93150 93150

Edward, thks for your help, but i see in the Intel ASC that the cpu fans at running to 900-1000 rpm with no load, but if i run a big process like virtualbox and open 4 virtual manchines, i see in the Intel ASC the cpu fans running to full speed (3500-3600 rpm). In both cases the 12mm fan is running at full speed (3300 rpm). So the cpu fans are working depend of the temperatura or speed of the cpus but the 12mm fan dont. And like i say before, if i choose the correct case (sc5299brp), i have the status led blinking in amber and all fans running to full speed even when the server have no load, in Intel ASC i see allway cpu fans runniing to 3500-3600 rpm, and the 12mm fan to 3300 rpm all the time. I will se the post that you give me but i feel that maybe the problem is no the same.

thks and sorry about my english.

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Since you're using SC5299BRP, please check if the rear fan is connected to the correct fan header. It should be connected to SYS FAN 6. Also, if you don't have a drive bay fan, answer "No" when prompted for SYS FAN 1 during FRUSDR update. If the status LED is still amber, you should run the SEL Viewer to check for system errors.

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Edward @ Intel escribió:

Since you're using SC5299BRP, please check if the rear fan is connected to the correct fan header. It should be connected to SYS FAN 6. Also, if you don't have a drive bay fan, answer "No" when prompted for SYS FAN 1 during FRUSDR update. If the status LED is still amber, you should run the SEL Viewer to check for system errors.

Thks Edward, but i did this in the past days, but i did again today, dont help, and the only errors that i get from the SEL Viewer are those that i explain in the first post :

"(critical error) the cpu speed is too slow 1000-1400 rpm"

But secons later its 3500-3600. I think that this cooler are slower to get 3500-3600 rpms and BMC marks this error like critical and the status led start blinking and the 12mm fan run to full speed but when the cpus cooler get 3500-3600 rpm, BMC say that rigth now its ok but the status led is still blinking in amber and the 12mm cooler still to full speed. The server run ok, i have no problems with it but the noise is too loud and like is at 4 meters of me its annoying. What can i do to solve this?

thks and sorry about my english

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Valued Contributor III

Fan speed control is not easy to correctly set.

You should confirm that these are the correct fan speeds for the thermaltake coolers.

The system SDR file is the configuration file that establishes the normal and critical values for each sensor.

From your data it appears your aftermarket cooler fans runs considerably slower (1200 – 1400 RPM) than the standard CPU fans. As you can see from the SDR file below the lower critical CPU fan speed is Nominal Reading 9Ah = 5150RPM. If the fan speed crosses the lower non-critical or critical setting (25 // Lower critical (25h = 1260RPM) - 2B // Lower non-critical (2Bh = 1440RPM) ) , the BMC detects this as a fan failure and ramps all fans to 100% in order to compensate for the "failed" fan.

Your fan seems to have a max fan speed of 3500-3600 rpms since the critical alarm should have your CPU fan running at its maximum speed.

Lowering the lower critical values will tell the BMC that this is the normal value for this fan, but the risk here is to make sure this truly is the correct fan speed for the fan and that CPU temperatures are operating normally. Because you have lowered the critical ranges, no fan ramp will occur until the fan speed drops below this new limit you are setting.

Doing the math 1260 RPM / 25h = 34d averaged with 1440 RPM / 2bh = 33.4d so if you wanted to reduce the lower non-critical to 1200 1200/33.7b = 35d or 23h setting lower critical to 1100 would be 1100 / 33.7 = 32.6d or 20h

Both CPU SDR values would need to be edited and the SDR's reloaded.

This will then tell the BMC not to react to the fan low fan speed until it is less than 1200 RPM.


// ==================================================================================================

// CPU1 Fan (TACH1)

// for SC5299-550W(SC5299DP);SC5299-650W(SC5299BRP)

// FCT

// ==================================================================================================




_REC_LEN 0039

// Sensor Record Header

000E // Record ID

51 // SDR Version

01 // Record Type

34 // Record Length

// Record Key Bytes

20 // Sensor Owner ID

00 // Sensor Owner LUN

50 // Sensor Number ok

// Record Body Bytes

1D // Entity ID

01 // Entity Instance

7D // Sensor Initialization

28 // Sensor Capabilities

04 // Sensor Type

01 // Event / Reading Base Type

0530 // Assertion Event Mask --[l][c,nc]=0530

0500 // Deassertion Event Mask --[l][c,nc]=0500

0303 // Reading Mask & Settable / Readable Threshold Masks --[l][c,nc]=0303

00 // Sensor Units 1

12 // Sensor Units 2 --(RPM)

00 // Sensor Units 3

00 // Linearization

21 // M

00 // M, Tolerance

00 // B

00 // B, Accuracy

00 // Accuracy, Accuracy Exp

00 // R exp, B exp

07 // Analog characteristic flags

9A // Nominal Reading (9Ah = 5150RPM)

FF // Normal Maximum (FFh = 8500RPM)

36 // Normal Minimum (36h = 1800RPM)

FF // Sensor Maximum Reading

00 // Sensor Minimum Reading

00 // Upper non-recoverable

00 // Upper critical

00 // Upper non-critical

00 // Lower non-recoverable

25 // Lower critical (25h = 1260RPM)

2B // Lower non-critical (2Bh = 1440RPM)

01 // Positive hysteresis value

01 // Negative hysteresis value

00 // Reserved

00 // Reserved

00 // OEM

C9 // Type/Length Code

'CPU 1 FAN' // String Bytes

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