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Help to return please the server to life!


Kind all evenings.

The help in a solution of the problem of a configuration of the RAID controler and server start is urgently very necessary!

The server 2U on the level intel S5000VSA raid-1 platform on two standard sata disks


A month ago one of disks took off for an offline. Without switching off the server, replaced it with another with the subsequent the rebildy.


Everything passed normally. In service uploaded an insertion and the screw revived. Recommended перепрошить and the second screw, didn't die yet.


Tonight I decided to change the winchester on restitched for the subsequent reinsertion of the second.


Having decided to combine reset of the server and winchester replacement, I switched off the server and replaced the winchester.


After that intel embedded raid II configuration utility utility says to me that my RAID-1 offline and to start the server doesn't want.


WINDOWS 2003 when loading leaves in reset.

Return attempts to an efficient condition (to return a disk into place). The disk rose in a condition of Ready and doesn't come back to 1 raid and loadings from one of disks of the 1st raid (though it is strange...) to success didn't lead.

How it to force to be loaded at least from one mirror disk?


How to pick up ready a disk to the first raid?

Help to return please the server to life. Very much I ask.

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2 Replies

If you have replaced a disk in your RAID array, it will need to be configured.

Enter RAID BIOS to configure the new disk. When it is recogonized by the RAID controller, you can use it in the RAID 1 mirror.

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Power off the server. Pull off all drives. Pull off power cord(s). Wait a few seconds until all lights turn off. Put in the power cord. Plug in only the healthy disk (possibly in the same place). Power on, hopefully the ESRT bios will recognize the disk as a degraded LV and you'll be able to boot off it and subsequently rebuild.

Another option (in case the controller does not see any disks at all, although they are plugged in) is to run a clear CMOS cycle (J1J1 jumper iirc but please check exactly) without the disks and add them later.

Both options have worked for me. Sometimes only the full power off cycle did the job, sometimes the other was needed. I hope it helps.

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