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5015 Discussions

Intel rms25cb040 disks Bus Type changing


I have a few physical disks for Storage Spaces Direct, but I can't set them up because of incorrect Bus Type (RAID instead of SATA). JBOD mode enabled, disks jbod enabled too. How can I set them full JBOD with correct Bus Type?



storcli64.exe /c0 show

Generating detailed summary of the adapter, it may take a while to complete.


CLI Version = 007.1211.0000.0000 Nov 07, 2019

Operating system = Windows Server 2019

Controller = 0

Status = Success

Description = None


Product Name = Intel(R) Integrated RAID Module RMS25CB040

Serial Number = QSDI44600723

SAS Address = 5001e67c1ad56000

PCI Address = 00:01:00:00

System Time = 05/15/2020 09:05:53

Mfg. Date = 11/17/14

Controller Time = 05/15/2020 09:05:53

FW Package Build = 23.34.0-0019

BIOS Version =

FW Version = 3.460.115-6465

Driver Name = megasas2i.sys

Driver Version = 6.714.05.00

Vendor Id = 0x1000

Device Id = 0x5B

SubVendor Id = 0x8086

SubDevice Id = 0x3514

Host Interface = PCI-E

Device Interface = SAS-6G

Bus Number = 1

Device Number = 0

Function Number = 0

JBOD Drives = 4






EID:Slt DID State DG    Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model               Sp Type


252:0    5 JBOD - 3.638 TB SATA HDD N  N 512B HGST HUS724040ALA640 U -

252:1    4 JBOD - 3.638 TB SATA HDD N  N 512B HGST HUS724040ALA640 U -

252:2    9 JBOD - 3.638 TB SATA HDD N  N 512B HGST HUS724040ALA640 U -

252:3    8 JBOD - 3.638 TB SATA HDD N  N 512B HGST HUS724040ALA640 U -



EID=Enclosure Device ID|Slt=Slot No.|DID=Device ID|Onln=Online|

Offln=Offline|Intf=Interface|Med=Media Type|SeSz=Sector Size


Physical Drives = 4






EID:Slt DID State DG    Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model               Sp Type


252:0    5 JBOD - 3.638 TB SATA HDD N  N 512B HGST HUS724040ALA640 U -

252:1    4 JBOD - 3.638 TB SATA HDD N  N 512B HGST HUS724040ALA640 U -

252:2    9 JBOD - 3.638 TB SATA HDD N  N 512B HGST HUS724040ALA640 U -

252:3    8 JBOD - 3.638 TB SATA HDD N  N 512B HGST HUS724040ALA640 U -



EID=Enclosure Device ID|Slt=Slot No.|DID=Device ID|DG=DriveGroup

DHS=Dedicated Hot Spare|UGood=Unconfigured Good|GHS=Global Hotspare

UBad=Unconfigured Bad|Onln=Online|Offln=Offline|Intf=Interface

Med=Media Type|SED=Self Encryptive Drive|PI=Protection Info

SeSz=Sector Size|Sp=Spun|U=Up|D=Down|T=Transition|F=Foreign

UGUnsp=UGood Unsupported|UGShld=UnConfigured shielded|HSPShld=Hotspare shielded

CFShld=Configured shielded|Cpybck=CopyBack|CBShld=Copyback Shielded

UBUnsp=UBad Unsupported|Rbld=Rebuild


Enclosures = 1


Enclosure LIST :




EID State Slots PD PS Fans TSs Alms SIM Port# ProdID VendorSpecific


252 OK       8 4 0   0  0   0  1 -    SGPIO



EID=Enclosure Device ID |PD=Physical drive count |PS=Power Supply count|

TSs=Temperature sensor count |Alms=Alarm count |SIM=SIM Count



Cachevault_Info :




Model State  Temp Mode MfgDate


CVPM02 Optimal 24C -   2014/04/16







Get-PhysicalDisk | Sort-Object FriendlyName | ft FriendlyName,HealthStatus,Size,BusType,MediaType


FriendlyName        HealthStatus         Size BusType MediaType

------------        ------------         ---- ------- ---------

ATA HGST HUS724040AL Healthy     4000787030016 RAID   HDD

ATA HGST HUS724040AL Healthy     4000787030016 RAID   HDD

ATA HGST HUS724040AL Healthy     4000787030016 RAID   HDD

ATA HGST HUS724040AL Healthy     4000787030016 RAID   HDD

INTEL SSDSC2BB120G4 Healthy      120034123776 SATA   SSD

XF1230-1A0480       Healthy      480103981056 SATA   SSD

XF1230-1A0480       Healthy      480103981056 SATA   SSD


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6 Replies

Hello AZhda2,


Thank you for contacting intel Server Support.


Let me double-check some details from my end in order to provide you the most accurate information as possible.

As soon as possible, I will be providing you the next step.


Best regards,


Emeth O.

Intel Server Specialist.

0 Kudos

Hello AZhda2,


I was doing some research and I found the following link :


The link provides more details about the hardware requirements that you will need in order to implement this type of configuration and also indicates that the RAID Controllers Cards are not comparable with this implementation.




Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.


Best regards,


Emeth O.

Intel Server Specialist.

0 Kudos

Hello Emeth. Thank you for your reply.


I saw this topic and it says about pass-through mode, which is jbod mode.

I have an experience with the same issue but a different raid-controller (that was MegaRAID Avago). There was a controller option you could set to a JBOD mode and it worked great (SAS BusType instead of RAID).

But I can't find such option here.

0 Kudos

Hello AZhda2,


Thank you for replying back.


Yes, it mentions the configuration about the pass-through mode (IT Mode); moreover, it is possible only if you are using a Host-bus Adapter (HBA).

In your case, due to the fact that you are trying to implement this configuration with a RAID Controller Card is not supported according to this article from Microsoft.


Let me verify those details with the engineering department in order to double-check the information and see if we can replicate this configuration in our labs as well and provide you the most accurate information.


As soon as possible, I will be contacting you back in order to proceed with the next step.


Best regards,


Emeth O.

Intel Server Specialist.

0 Kudos

Hello AZhda2,


I was reviewing this information with the engineering department and they confirm that Storage Spaces Direct is not supported and recommended if you are trying to implement it with a RAID Controller.


We understand that you were able to configure it using the MegaRAID Avago; moreover, as per Microsoft this type of configuration can cause some performance issues within your system.


Our best recommendation will be to open a ticket with Microsoft.

You can contact their technical support team in order to verify the reason why this type of implementations are not validated and you will have a better understanding of those details.


Have a wonderful day.


Best regards,


Emeth O.

Intel Server Specialist.

0 Kudos

Thank you for your time. Have a nice day.

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