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Intel ss4200 and Active Directory problem




First would like to apologize for my English.


I have a problem with intel ss4200-E.



I have the Active Directory domain on Windows 2003 R2 SP2 Rus. Intel ss4200 I connected to the domain. But when I connect to the device through a web interface using the domain administrator account, I can only two tabs "Home" and "Shared Folders". Control Panel intel ss4200 me is not available.



I have read this page And create the group "Domain Admins" (in English), because the Russian version of Windows, a group "Domain Admins" is named for the Russian. Add my domain administrator account, the group "Domain Admins" (in English).



But the problem is not solved. I am not available to the control panel ss4200.



Thank you.
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7 Replies
New Contributor II

Hi Anton,

Yes you are right. The problem has been identified and is being worked on and as your read, that the problem initially exists with languages such as French, German, Spanish and Portugese, but this maps onto several other languages as well. In your case, Russian however the problem has been identified to exist on the software end which is currently being worked on and the fix would be introduced in the later software update package, date of which I am not sure of cause it takes time to develop, validate and implement before it is released for the end users.

I would thank you for your patience on this one and would advise you to keep checking back so that as soon as the fix is released in the newer software update package, you are able to install and resolve your problem.

Thank you!


Warm Regards,

Javed Lodhi

Intel Go Green, Save The Environment!


Hi Javed

I wish to inform that I have solved this problem and has joined storage in the domain. And now everything works fine.

I remembered that the storege operates on the basis of Linux with Samba.

I left the name of the Domain Administrators group in Russian. But changed "Group name pre-Windows 2000" on the Domains Admins in English.


In addition, the user password that I was unable to connect storage to a domain has been very strongly, it contained English characters and special characters (eg # $%^), some of these characters are the operators in the Unix-like Operation systems. I created a user with a name consisting of English letters and a password without special characters. Then I added that user to the group Domain Admins. And with that the user has successfully joined storage to a domain.
New Contributor II

Hi Anton,

Glad to know that you've fixed the problem, I must say that was very smart of you. It indeed is going to benefit all others encountering the same problem and I would send this as advisory to the team of engineers working on SS4200-E with your name.

Thank you and have a nice day!


Warm Regards,

Javed Lodhi

Intel Go Green, Save The Environment!

0 Kudos
New Contributor II

Hi Anton,

Just wanted to inform you that the workaround has been reported to the support team for SS4200-E with your name.

Thank you and have a great day!


Warm Regards,

Javed Lodhi

Intel Go Green, Save The Environment!

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i have an issue with my nas and the windows domain. before i add my nas to the domain i make share folders where only the local admin had rights. After 3 weeks i add the NAS in my windows domain. After the domain join i could not login as Administrator over the Webinterface . . So i read the Workoround but it does not help. I make an group named " Domain Admins " and I add a user to this group but when i logon over the webinterface i m a normal user and no admin.

When i go to \\NAS there i see all the shares if i want to pen some share he ask me for user and password and when i say datastore\admin + pw i can login as my old admin. But i cant use any domain user to connect to these shares.

Please help me that i can connect to the nas as administrator. Is it possible to reset the nas without loosing any datas ?

Best Regards


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What version of windows you have running on a domain controller, English or another?

To reset the Nas, without losing data, you can use a small button on the back of the device.

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Hi anton

i am using windows server 2003 enterprise with sp2 and it is in german.

what is the effect when i push the reset button on the back ?

but i want to fix the problem with the administrator becouse i want to use my domain withn an sql database wich must connect to the nas an it is much easyer when the nas is in the domain. When you need some screenshots ore more information pleas let me know. I what to be admin on my nas

best regards sebastian

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