Server Products
Data Center Products including boards, integrated systems, Intel® Xeon® Processors, RAID Storage, and Intel® Xeon® Processors

Post 190


Hello, I've registered now, but I still don't see an answer to my post at the following link: 5486

Does anyone know the answer to this?

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4 Replies

Hi Jared, I'm looking into this and will get an answer to you soon. Sorry for the wait.

0 Kudos

Okay, [whlea

| to view whlea's profile], thank you for responding. I will be glad to hear when you find out more.

If you do manage to find a tutorial, I would prefer it to be at the beginner level; I'm new to this sort of thing. As for online stores that sell the parts to build Itanium and Xeon servers, I will just need a link to their site, as long as they ship to the continental United States.

Two more questions have come up:

1. What are the advantages/disadvantages of Itanium/Xeon servers?

2. Do Itanium servers require the IA-64 architechure, or are they compatible with EM64T?

Thanks in advance,

Jared B.

0 Kudos

Hi jared,

anwer for your 2nd question is "yes"

"Itanium servers requires IA 64 architechture.

Ok. then EM64T processors are real 64 bit chips?The answer is absolutely yes. When these processors operate in 64-bit mode, the addresses are 64-bit, the GPRs are 64 bits wide, and the ALUs are able to process data in 64-bit chunks. Therefore, these processors are full-fledged 64-bit processors in this mode. Note that while IA64, EM64T are all 64-bit, but they are not compatible:

EM64T are with the exception of a few instructions such as 3DNOW, binary compatible with each other. Applications written and compiled for one will usually run at full speed on the other.

  • IA64 uses a completely different instruction set to the other two. 64-bit applications written for the Itanium 2 will not run on the EM64T or AMD64 processors, and vice versa

Hope i answered your question.

0 Kudos

Okay, thanks. Itanium servers are not what I'm looking for, then.

What I am looking for, I now realize, are Xeon servers.

So, I have revised my original set of questions (from post 190). I no longer am concerned about post 190; instead, here is what I need to know:

1. If I were to buy Xeon servers, how would I go about scaling them? ("With 16MB shared L3 cache, scalability beyond 4 sockets, 1066 million transfers per second") I mean, is there like, a tutorial or something that could guide me?

2. Is there a tutorial for building the servers themselves that you could give me a link to? As in, how to put all the parts into the chassis and connect them properly.

3. What are some good online retailers for Xeon (7000 & 5000) series server parts? As in, motherboards, power supplies, chassis, et cetera, as well as the processors themselves.

4. If I were to purchase pre-built servers, are there any places I could buy them from that would not require large quantities? (Maybe five to twenty units?)

5. What is the price/cost difference between buying pre-built servers and buying the parts to build servers? (Which costs less and by how much?)

Thank you much,

Jared B.

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