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5021 Discussions

RMM4 on a S2600GZ board issue


Platform R1304GZ4GC, server board S2600GZ

BIOS 02.06.0005, BMC FW 01.27.9958

After trying logon with bad password using https BMC stop to respond to http, https and even telnet.

Only a complete power outage allows reconnect to RMM

This screen - login to RMM4 through separate RMM Lan or Lan1 with correct password


and this one - after first wrong password

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5 Replies

Hello Sergey,



We can see that you were not able to connect to the RMM4 with a wrong password and then you tried in a different LAN with the correct one.



The full power cycle by unplugging the power cables and holding down the power button for 10 seconds will reset the BMC and will synchronize again with the RMM4.



After the full power cycle, can you try the correct password in the RMM4 to see if it does the same?



Bear in mind that the RMM4 IP address needs to be different that the BMC address just in case.



You can also try a different browser and see if the issue continues.



We can also see that there was a certificate error in the first screen shot. Please make sure that the date and time is set correctly in the computer you are using.



If by any chance you are still having issues, the next course of action will be updating the firmware again to the latest version.



Please let us know if you are still having issues after those steps.






Esteban V.
0 Kudos

Hello Esteban

We can see that you were not able to connect to the RMM4 with a wrong password and then you tried in a different LAN with the correct one.

No. I try to connect to RMM always by one IP address, you can see it on screenshot -


When I use correct password, I repeately make logon-logoff. When I connect by http, after wrong password I see "Login failed. Please try again." When I connect by https with wrong password, immediately BMC stop to respond to any connections - http, https, telnet 80 port

The full power cycle by unplugging the power cables and holding down the power button for 10 seconds will reset the BMC and will synchronize again with the RMM4.

After the full power cycle, can you try the correct password in the RMM4 to see if it does the same?

Yes, after power cycle I can connect with correct password.

Bear in mind that the RMM4 IP address needs to be different that the BMC address just in case.

You can also try a different browser and see if the issue continues.

The issue is not depend on OS, browser and so on. I try Win7, 8, 10, Srv 2012R2, Srv 2016, Edge, IE 11, Chrome, Opera

We can also see that there was a certificate error in the first screen shot. Please make sure that the date and time is set correctly in the computer you are using.

If you look at the certificate, it is issued to AMI from ‎20 apr ‎2011 ‎г. 12:11:51 till ‎24 ‎march ‎2016 ‎г. 12:11:51

If by any chance you are still having issues, the next course of action will be updating the firmware again to the latest version.

Firmware is already latest, and I update It several times

Please let us know if you are still having issues after those steps.

Unfortunately the problem is still not solved

0 Kudos




I noticed this is happening when you are trying to connect to the RMM4 Web Interface. Does it happen the same with the Integrated BMC interface?



When this happens, are you still able to ping the RMM4?



I haven't seen this issue before. I am going to see if we could replicate it in our end. Have you tried to login from the actual server instead of using a client system?






Dave A.
0 Kudos

The issue is replicated when connecting to BMC LAN1 and to RMM 4, and I still able to ping the system on both interfaces.

And I see issues like this before, for example - last message in this thread -

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Thanks for the update. It seems more an issue with the BMC itself. At this point I would contact your nearest Intel office to follow up this situation.





Dave A.
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