Server Products
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5021 Discussions

RS2WC080 RAID5 Cnsistency check - not initialized


I have an Intel system with RS2WC080 controller with three drive RAID 5 array.  Recently they lost a drive.  While in the process of obtaining a replacement drive, another drive failed.  I was able to get the system back up on two drives (one of the original ones, and the second one that had failed).  I replaced the third (originally failed drive) and was able to rebuild the array.  Now the system is popping errors "Controller ID: 0 Puncturing bad block: PD Port0-3:1:0.  I want to run a consistency check, but when I start the check I get "The virtual disk has not been initialized. Running a consistency check may result in inconsistent messages in the log.  Are you sure you want to continue?".  So, the question is: 1-can I (should I) initialize the virtual disk WITHOUT losing ANY data; 2- Run the consistency check anyway; 3- Kill the array and rebuild from backup.

Thanks in advance!

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1 Reply

Hello Craigvm,

Thank you for joining the community

Due to this product being discontinued, Intel Customer Service no longer supports inquiries for it, but perhaps fellow community members have the knowledge to jump in and help. You may also find the Discontinued Products website helpful to address your request. Thank you for understanding.

You can find the available support information in the this site


Jose A.

Intel Customer Support

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