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S5000PSL BMC Firmware 10.48?



I inherited a SC5299-E (SC5299DP) Chassis Case that has a S5000PSL motherboard in it. When I got it, the motherboard was at Bios FW66, BMC FW 10.48, FRUSDR FW40.

So I downloaded all the Firmware Updates I could find on Intel's download page for the S5000PSL and updated to each one sequentially and ended up at Bios FW101, BMC FW10.48, FRUSDR 48 and one of the updates also included updating the HSC Backplane to v2.05 that I installed.

I used the Intel Deployment Assistant CD to do the Firmware Upgrades. None of the Firmware updates recommended (had the checkbox selected for BMC FW) updating the BMC firmware because it was/is already at 10.48. And, all of the Firmware update packages had BMC FW that always starts with 00.xx. Examples ( 00.58, 00.63, etc ) So I am wondering how could the BMC have already be at a higher level of 10.48? And, I did Google searches and cannot find any info at all on the BMC 10.48 firwmare? So should I go ahead and upgrade the BMC to the latest version that came with the Bios 101 FW, which is BMC FW66?


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1 Reply

I've never seen a BMC start with 10.x instead of 00.x, unless it was an OEM-modified board that had a custom BMC on it.

You can try to force BMC 00.68 over the top, but I would probably leave it as 10.48 if it's working normally. Download Center has BMC 68, which is newer than 66, by the way

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