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S5000PSL fan control via IPMI?


My Intel S5000PSL motherboard (S5000.86B.04.00.0066.101220061333) is very loud. lm-sensors/fancontrol is not able to control the fan speed. IPMI is able to read out the speed, but I do not know how to set rpm speed accordingly to temperature/load.


17:49:07^root@datastorm:~/Files/iasl > ipmiutil sensor -i 000d -v

ipmiutil ver 2.85

isensor: version 2.85

idx = 0xd

-- BMC version 0.55, IPMI version 2.0

_ID_ SDR_Type_xx ET Own Typ S_Num Sens_Description Hex & Interp Reading

000d SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 51 CPU 2 FAN = 3d OK 2013.00 RPM

Entity ID 29.3 (Fan), Capab: arm=man thr=write evts=state

Volatile lo-noncr 396.00 lo-crit 330.00

SdrThres lo-noncr 396.00 lo-crit 330.00

nom 4455.00 nmax 8415.00 nmin 495.00 smax 8415.00 smin 0.00

ipmiutil sensor, completed successfully

17:51:42^root@datastorm:~/Files/iasl > ipmiutil sensor -i 000c -v

ipmiutil ver 2.85

isensor: version 2.85

idx = 0xc

-- BMC version 0.55, IPMI version 2.0

_ID_ SDR_Type_xx ET Own Typ S_Num Sens_Description Hex & Interp Reading

000c SDR Full 01 01 20 m 04 snum 50 CPU 1 FAN = 3b OK 1947.00 RPM

Entity ID 29.1 (Fan), Capab: arm=man thr=write evts=state

Volatile lo-noncr 396.00 lo-crit 330.00

SdrThres lo-noncr 396.00 lo-crit 330.00

nom 4455.00 nmax 8415.00 nmin 495.00 smax 8415.00 smin 0.00

ipmiutil sensor, completed successfully

17:51:44^root@datastorm:~/Files/iasl >


Several forum post state that the SDR need to be manually programmed. This is the actual solution for the fan issue in an 'other' case? Intel� Server Boards — FAQ on chassis and heat issues talks about the use of a tool to manually dump it... and then adjust it.


Via IPMI I am able to read out the current RPM values. It seems like it is also possible to set thresholds via ipmi (see ipmi docs), however, none of the returning values make any sense. There is no point of reference 396? 330? 4455? 8415? What do those numbers mean? This shouldn't be that hard to adjust.

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3 Replies


it seems like you can adjust it via ipmi, however, I was not able to adjust all 6 values just 2. None of them had an impact.

0 Kudos

First I suggest you apply the latest Firmware Update Package. Make sure you select the correct chassis/fan configuration during FRU/SDR update. Which chassis are you using?

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The latest update will be applied probably this weekend. I am having an 'other' case. Ove the last couple of days I have seen the forum post /message/181062, which describes my problem.

Parkman's idea is great, however, my SDR file doesn't look like his post, but it's a great starting point.

So I stared to dig through the SDR file and found those entries:

cat SL_48.SDR |grep "Normal Control Value (64=PWM 100%)"

64 // Normal Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

64 // Normal Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

64 // Normal Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

64 // Normal Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

64 // Normal Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

cat SL_48.SDR |grep "Minimum Control Value (64=PWM 100%)"

64 // Minimum Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

64 // Minimum Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

64 // Minimum Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

64 // Minimum Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

64 // Minimum Control Value (64=PWM 100%)

I changed them all down to hex 19 and saved the SDR file.

The next interesting thing is that all the non-other cases have actual temperatur control values. That brings up a question...

The ramp step is supposed to increase the speed if it gets too hot, right? Does this require the Temperature Control values? If no, then what is the point of control values if the system adjusts it automatically? The line in the SDR file says "Stepwise Type Temperature Sensor sub-record", does that mean it tries the ramp first and the sub-record fine tunes? Also even tough this is a 'other' case, can I just copy the lines from another setup under other?

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