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4956 Discussions

S5000PSL hard drive issue.


Ok, so I got my last issue with Grub fixed, now I have another issue, I reinstalled linux using LVM, seems once I make the LVM, and assign it a volume group and volume containers, when I reboot, at the first screen It shows me the hard drives, but once I set a LVM they go to 'disk verification failed' . Now I can boot my usb key format the drives out and it will identify them properly, I've tried different ports for the drives and no change, So I formatted them out to ext2/JFS/XFS partitions respectivly, updated to a 3.1.0 kernel and the same issue with the LVM becomes present once again even though I have not made a LVM, i reboot and voila 'hard disk verification failed' these are two brand new identical 320GB drives. I'm kinda stuck here as google gives no information on the issue, other then to 'reset the cpu's into there sockets' which I think wouldn't do a darn thing for me.

Board Identifcation

System Bios: V S5000.86B.10.00.0081

Build Date: 08/17/2007

Board Part Number: D44771-805

Board Serial Number: QSSL73201090

System Part Number: C2001

System Serial Number:A0047780

Chassis Part Number:C2001

Chassis Serial Number:C2001

BMC Firmware Revision: 0.59

HSC Firmware Revision: 0.00

SDR Revision: SDR Package 42

UUID: D3E6ED81479811DCAF6A00151730A1D4

BIOS Information


Vendor: Intel Corporation


Version: S5000.86B.10.00.0081.081720071348 <-- I updated this and it wont allow me to access it any more it drops me to efi shell =[ <p>  Release Date: 08/17/2007


Address: 0xE8000


Runtime Size: 96 kB


ROM Size: 4096 kB




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BIOS Revision: 10.0


Firmware Revision: 0.0
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