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Server data virtualization networking software!!! ''SAFE Gateway'' -project 2015



At home I'm using Dell's T300 with two integrated ethernet RJ-45 network controllers, beside that I also use two modem gateways and network controller AT-8024 24-ports connected to COMM port in the rear of computer. So many ports and connections to monitor, data to virtualize with a lot of knowledge to intercept virus with ethernet scanner or spomewhere in between other different multiple booting OS. I am using Winwindows server 20120R2 and windows 8.1 x64. I am trying to say simply is SAFE to clean the web iwith plain HTML language software operable in WWW line performing different search engine objects and IP domans, so BIG DATA and a lot of software needed to monitor a lot of hardware but IT can be done!!!@. I would instal multiple antivirus software on multiple RAID hard disks and on ports!!!Scann http:\\www is easy and effective solution and to monitor more gathered info..

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