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5020 Discussions

Switch Module AXXSW1GB on Intel Modular Server MFSYS35 bootloop


How to fix my customer's Switch Module SW1 on Intel Modular Server MFSYS35 from bootloop ?

Here is the detail :

- the green led is blinking for a long time

- the orange led is steady for a long time

- when I see the terminal connection on serial (RS232 port) with telnet :


Boot1 Checksum Test...............................PASS

Boot2 Checksum Test...............................PASS

Flash Image Validation Test.......................PASS

BOOT Software Version Built 30-May-2007 11:09:42

Intel ClearBay board, 88F5181 CPU based with ARM926EJ-S core.

128MByte SDRAM. I-Cache 32 KB. D-Cache 32KB. Cache Enabled.

Autoboot in 2 seconds - press RETURN or Esc. to abort and enter prom.

Preparing to decompress...


Decompressing SW from image-1



Running from RAM...


*** Running SW Ver. Date 21-May-2008 Time 10:42:27 ***


HW version is

Base Mac address is: 00:15:17:4f:94:e6

Dram size is : 128M bytes

Dram first block size is : 102400K bytes

Dram first PTR is : 0x1800000

Dram second block size is : 4096K bytes

Dram second PTR is : 0x7C00000

Flash size is: 16M

01-Jan-2000 01:01:06 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading running configuration.

01-Jan-2000 01:01:06 %CDB-I-LOADCONFIG: Loading startup configuration.

Devices on PCI BUS 0 (slot 0):


id select = 31, dev type=0x5181

Device configuration:


Slot 1 : AXXSW1GB

HW revision : D70739-404

CPLD ID : 128

CPLD Version : 2

Slot ID : 0x1

IDROM size : 103Bytes

ESM Module ID: 0.46

01-Jan-2000 01:01:08 %2SWINIT-F-INITCOREPPHWPHASE1: SW2P_core_pp_hw_phase1_init: Core PP HW phase 1 init failed - error msg Operation failed

***** FATAL ERROR *****

Reporting Task: ROOT.

Software Version: (date 21-May-2008 time 10:42:27)


***************** SYSTEM RESET *****************



the hardware bootloop continuosly

0 Kudos
5 Replies




Thank you for contacting Intel,



I reviewed the information provided and first of all is very important to mention that this device is already in a End Of Interactive Support stage which means limited support will be provided under no liability from Intel.



With that said, In these devices this kind of behavior could be caused by firmware corruption, or power distribution issues. With that in mind the logic steps to troubleshoot would be:
  1. Perform the firmware update on the switch, chassis and working node simultaneously. By doing this even if the firmware is up to date in the scenario where there is corruption this will flash it, is important to mention the the update must be performed in the whole system as firmware mismatch could cause communication errors, to download the firmware package go to this site, for instructions check the release notes included in the same site.
  2. If not corrected, I would recommend to swap the switch with a similar to confirm failure location this will lead to identify either switch or chassis power failure and replace accordingly if necessary.
I hope this helps, please share your feedback with us and let us know if you need anything else or in the other hand if this answers your question and we can close this trend, anyway I'll stay tuned to your comments.






Kenneth R.


Intel Customer Support
0 Kudos

Dear Kenneth R.,

Thank you for your reply.

Is it possible to do firmware update via chassis on the switch while it is boot loop and the switch status is unmanageable in the management module ?

Or Do I have to do firmware update on the switch itself ? But I don't know how to extract switch firmware from chasiis firmware and I don't know how to do the firmware update on the switch, because there is no manual explaining to do firmware update on the switch (I search on the google, It may related with XMODEM),

FYI my customer chassis is MFSYS35 and my backup unit chassis in my office is MFSYS25V1.

I put customer's switch module in my chassis and the problem is the same.

my MFSYS25V1 firmware have the latest version, 6.10, but the chassis can not update the switch firmware.

best regards

Ashar Fathony

0 Kudos

Hi Ashar, thanks.



I'll make some research but as I mentioned there is not that much documentation for these devices as they haven't been around for a while and no group offers support for them, anyway, I'll dig into it to see what I can find and will be back to you shortly.



0 Kudos

Hi Ashar,



After reviewing the information available on this device I see there is no apparent way to unpack the file to perform individual updates, based on that the recommendation I can come up with is to replace the device as no applicable troubleshoot for this issue could be found.



I hope this helps to confirm the following steps and I will very much appreciate your feedback either if there is something else we could for you or in the other hand if this answers your question and the trend can be set as closed.



In any case I'll stay tuned to your comments.






0 Kudos

Hi Ashar,



I wanted to know if you had the chance to review the information provided previously and we can set the related case as closed or if there is anything else I can do for you, either way I'll stay tuned to your comments.



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