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4920 Discussions

The flashupdt program hangs on my system when using the -i or -u options


The flashupdt program hangs on my system when using the -i or -u options:

(I had to use the task manager ti kill it after 60 min of running)

c:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Flashupdt>


c:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Flashupdt>flashupdt.exe -u c:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\S5000PSL_BIOS101_BMC66_FRUSDR48\flashupdt.c



One-Boot Flash Update Utility Ver 9.61 Build 2


Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 2005-2007


c:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Flashupdt>flashupdt.exe -i

One-Boot Flash Update Utility Ver 9.61 Build 2


Copyright (c) Intel Corporation 2005-2007

Then Nothing - the task manager reports 13% CPU from flashupdt.exe.


How do I fix this?

I posted another discussion regarding running the BIOS101.bat update script from a DOS bootable USB stick with similar results.

It appears that I'm at a dead end on the BIOS upgrade path and yet there is a specific fix losted in the new BIOS release notes that I need.

Please help. I'll try just about anything at this point.

Note that the windows install I used here was solely for the purpose of running flashupdt as I usually use Linux.


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1 Reply

Finally got it working by booting from Intel boot CD and pulling BIOS from USB.

This is the only option that works, the other 2 are broken.

It should be made clearer what the options are. It took me a days of screwing around to finally realize that there's a boot CD you can use for this.


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