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MPSS 3.8.4 flash update failure - Windows

coinstash@Corner MINGW64 /c/Program Files/Intel/MPSS
$ micflash -update -device all

Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) Coprocessor - 0
  Flash update  : Waiting for device initialization to complete
  Device status : HW under initialization [-]

Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) Coprocessor - 0
  Flash update  : Finding a compatible image [\]
  Device status : HW in use

Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) Coprocessor - 0
  Flash update  : Finding a compatible image [|]
  Device status : HW in use

Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) Coprocessor - 0
  Flash update  : Finding a compatible image [/]
  Device status : HW in use

Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) Coprocessor - 0
  Flash update  : Finding a compatible image [-]
  Device status : HW in use

Intel(R) Xeon Phi(TM) Coprocessor - 0
  Flash update  : Finding a compatible image [\]
  Device status : HW in use


Reset since this was going nowhere.


coinstash@Corner MINGW64 /c/Program Files/Intel/MPSS
$ micctrl -s
mic0: online (mode: flash image: C:\Program Files\Intel\MPSS\rasmm-kernel.knightscorner-c.elf)


I now have a broken installation. After resetting mic0 I can't ssh into it any longer.


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4 Replies


OK, found the problem. The firmware update does NOT work from a Git Bash shell. Must use the CMD shell supplied with Windows.

I'd say this is a simple lack of correct path to the image file. Even though Git Bash was invoked in the right directory the stupid thing can't see the files.

0 Kudos

New issue. Firmware update successful but now the card won't boot after rebooting the host.


coinstash@Corner MINGW64 ~
$ micctrl -r

coinstash@Corner MINGW64 ~
$ micctrl -s
mic0: ready

coinstash@Corner MINGW64 ~
$ micctrl -b

coinstash@Corner MINGW64 ~
$ micctrl -s
mic0: booting (mode: linux image: C:\Program Files\Intel\MPSS\filesystem\bzImage-knightscorner.bin)

coinstash@Corner MINGW64 ~
$ micctrl -s
mic0: booting (mode: linux image: C:\Program Files\Intel\MPSS\filesystem\bzImage-knightscorner.bin)

coinstash@Corner MINGW64 ~
$ micctrl -s
mic0: online (mode: linux image: C:\Program Files\Intel\MPSS\filesystem\bzImage-knightscorner.bin)

coinstash@Corner MINGW64 ~
$ micctrl -s
mic0: online (mode: linux image: C:\Program Files\Intel\MPSS\filesystem\bzImage-knightscorner.bin)

0 Kudos

After waiting for a really long time I can finally ssh into it. The above message is totally different to what I expected from using MPSS 3.8.3 but it does seem to be working now.

<fx: scratches head>

What the hell is it doing booting off that image? And why can't I access the internet again?

Changes made to mic0.filelist are completely ineffectual.


0 Kudos

More weirdness ... I can see mic0 using ipconfig but it no longer shows up in the Network Connections panel.

Intel, what have you done?

Edit: It was there but the name change I made to it had been deleted so it looked just like any other generic network connection. Whew.


Still can't ping out from mic0. Bloody heck, I have to solve that issue all over again.

Default gateway - check.

Name server - check.

AHA!!! I haven't reinstated the bridge between mic0 and the wifi dongle.

It's all working again.

God I hate software upgrades.

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